Links & Databases for Law and Economics

★= On campus access only, ○ = Remote access also available
Databases for Legal StudiesDatabases for Economics

Databases for Legal Studies
Lexis+ (former: Lexis Advance).
 !Upgraded to Lexis+ effective April 2024.If you already have an ID, you can continue to use your previously issued ID.
 ! Creating your ID account is required in advance.>>  Application Form
After submitting your application, you will receive an e-mail about registration process for your ID. Follow the direction.
A fulltext database provided by Beck, a German publisher specializing the field of law.
Law, Books (handbooks and Gesetzeskommentar), more than 90 journals, court decisions, and administrative documents published by Beck are available.
e-Gov法令検索 In Japanese Only
A free database officially managed by the government. It consists of legal data such as laws and regulations, Cabinet Order, ministerial & prefectural ordinance, and statutes & regulations by ministeries and prefectural governments.
裁判例検索 In Japanese Only
A free database officially managed by Courts In Japan. You can search the following 6 kinds of court decisions in courts comprehensively :
 -Casebook of the Supreme Court
 -Casebook of the High Courts
 -Casebook of the Lower Courts
 -Casebook on Administrative Cases
 -Casebook on Labor Cases
 -Casebook on Intellectual Properties Disputes

Following Databases are Available for Law Faculty and Students ONLY.


Westlaw Japan In Japanese.
This is a comprehensive online service that provides legal information and materials - laws and ordinances, precedents, court decisions, etc., books and journals, literature information, and news articles - from the past to the latest information, along with a variety of search and display functions.
The database contains more than 300,000 precedents (as of March 2021), from prewar precedents such as those of the Supreme Court to the latest precedents, and has been edited to include the full text of precedents, concise and accurate abstracts, sources, commentaries, reference articles, and other related information with high added value.
The following law journals are available.
・旬刊商事法務 Concurrent user: 50
Westlaw Next  Please login with your SSO-KID.
When you use the system for the first time, please authenticate with your SSO-KID first, then enter your name and e-mail address.

 ! For those who have ID/PW applied for before February 2024
 You can continue to use your existing ID. >> Click here to log in with your ID/PW.
 If you log in with SSO-KID, it will be a different account from your existing ID. Please note that information such as Folders, Favorites, and Alerts set on your existing ID will not be reflected in your SSO-KID account.

Juris  Access from on campus ONLY.
It consists of German laws and regulations, court decisions, and related literature including Staudinger, BGB.

NEW  August 2023- Juris PreLex has been added to the search. Click here for a list of additional materials.

D1-Law.com法律情報総合データベース In Japanese Concurrent user: 1
A database for comprehensive legal research such as laws, court decisions and legal literature.
 ! Application is required. >>  Application Form (The password will be changed every year in April.)
 ! Make sure to log out when you leave.

HeinOnline       Access from on campus ONLY.
A fulltext database for more than 3,000 journals in legal studies, provided by William S. Hein & Co., Inc.
 ! Accessible PCs are limited.
 ! User Guides of each database are here.
 ! Various helps are here.
 ! How to search for cases - FastCase
・Top Page > Advanced Search > enter the citation information of the case you want to obtain in Citation Navigator, and click Get Citation.
・Using the one-box search top of any page in HeinOnline, enter a case citation and use the Citation option from the drop-down menu.
 ! Click here to download the title list.


Databases for Economics
The Portal Site of Official Statistics of Japan, delivers the one-stop service for official statistics of the Japanese government.
JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization)
Trade information and investment practices  by countries, and Japanese inquiry matters from overseas are freely available. (in Japanese)
Institute of Developing Economies (IDE)
IDE aims to make intellectual contributions to the world as a leading center of social-science research on developing regions. IDE reports and publication are freely available as PDF.
Bloomberg (free version)
Market data and news are available.
World DataBank (free)
"The World Development Indicators"(WDI), "Global Development Finance"(GDF) are available.

Following Databases are Available for Faculty and Students of Economics ONLY.   


日経NEEDS-FinancialQUEST 2.0 Recommended Browser: Microsoft Edge
Comprehensive database for economics provided by Nikkei.

 ! Click on the name of the database you want to use below, and download it from the link.
 ★ FinancialQUEST(FQ)   Concurrent users: 10     Access from on campus ONLY.
 ! Check out available data via Subscribed Titles(PDF)  (April 19, 2022)
   <Stock> Maintenance had terminated for "face value (former)" (October 31, 2019)
   >> For details here(PDF)

 ○ International investing, Trading data, Databases of IMF & OECD, corporate finance
     ! Application is required. >> Application Form (2023/2024). (ID/password valid until June 30, 2024)
     ! Due to the renewal of the contract, the login ID/password for this database will be changed on July 1 (Mon.).
       If you wish to use the database after July, apply via>> Application Form (2024/2025).
       New ID/password will be announced around the end of June 2024.

Financial Quest will be temporarily unavailable from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Monday, July 1, 2024, due to the updating of ID/password. Please understand this in advance.

日経テレコン  In Japanese   Concurrent users: 5
Articles in major Nikkei papers, corporate information, and personnel information are available.
eol   Concurrent users: 3       Recommended Browser: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome
To start searching, click on "Automatic Login."
Securities reports of both listed and non-listed companies.
Manuals (PDF)
OSIRIS    Concurrent user:1      
The agreement has been changed to an annual subscription starting in April 2024.
A comprehensive database of financial reports of listed companies(public companies, banks, and securities firms) in the world.
ONLY "Companies" is available.
Site search