
PubMed (Kyushu U version)

visibility Total Views : 495,634
Coverage:International Access: Open Off campus

PubMed is a free resource that is developed and maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), located at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Web of Science

visibility Total Views : 256,994
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

Web of Science is the highest level research platform.
About 21,200 selected journals (as of September 2019) can be searched, analyzed, and shared in this platform.


visibility Total Views : 136,134
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus
Access Note

The ID and password are the same of those of the othe Elsevier's services (Pure, ScienceDirect, SciVal, Mendeley, ScienceDirect Reference Works).

Scopus is the world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources.


visibility Total Views : 126,526
Coverage:Kyudai Access: Off campus On campus

E-Resources Portal at Kyushu University.
Kyushu University provides more than 130,000 E-Journals and 400,000 E-Books for students and faculty members, as of July 2022.

*You can also search the available titles on "Collections".

Google Scholar

visibility Total Views : 93,031
Coverage:Japanese International Access: Open
Access Note

"Full-text @ Kyushu Univ" link will be shown on the search results if "Kyushu University" is added in "Settings > Library links" menu.

Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature.

JapanKnowledge Lib

visibility Total Views : 62,985
Coverage:Japanese Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

You can cross-search the largest knowledge database in Japan that accumulates the encyclopedias, the dictionaries, news, and scientific site URL collection, etc.

CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform

visibility Total Views : 55,408
Coverage:International Access: Off campus On campus
Access Note
  • Information Use Policies
  • User registration required (see below)
  • It is not allowed to download the search results of more than 5,000.
  • 1 user, 1 ID Only.

From April 1, 2023, CAS Formulus, CAS Analytical Methods, etc. will also be available on the same platform as CAS SciFinder. The ID and password used for login are the same as those for CAS SciFinder.

CAS SciFinder-n is a research discovery tool that allows college students and faculty to access a wide diversity of research from many scientific disciplines, including biomedical sciences, chemistry, engineering, material science, agricultural science, and more.

Kyushu University Collections

visibility Total Views : 51,733
Coverage:Kyudai Access: Open

Kyushu University Collections is a comprehensive database of academic contents provided by Kyushu University library, where you can search and access printed books and journals in the university, subscribed and open access e-journals and e-books, Kyushu University Institutional Repository (QIR), digitized images of our rare materials, and more.

Maruzen eBook Library

visibility Total Views : 44,697
Coverage:Japanese Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus
Access Note

Simultaneous access for each title: 1

More than 1 person cannot access to a certain title at the same time.

Email address authentication is required when executing the download.

Usage Guide

Maruzen has provided Japanese ebooks platform specialized academic books.
You can search by titles, authors, and full text. And you can also download the PDF files and print out from each pages.

Journal Citation Reports (JCR)

visibility Total Views : 39,738
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

Journal Citation Reports presents quantifiable statistical data that provides a systematic, objective way to evaluate the world's leading journals and their impact (called Impact Factor) and influence in the global research community.


visibility Total Views : 33,029
Access: Open
Access Note

The ID and password are the same of those of the othe Elsevier's services (Scopus, Pure, ScienceDirect, SciVal, ScienceDirect Reference Works).

Installing Mendeley Cite add-in is restricted by the Office365 administrator in Kyushu University. See here for details.

Mendeley Desktop (desktop version) is enabled to be installed again. However, there will be no future software updates. For more information, click here.

Existing users of Mendeley Desktop will continue to be able to sign into, use and sync their Mendeley Desktop.

Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research.



visibility Total Views : 25,460
Coverage:Japanese Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

A fulltext database of medical journals published in Japan.

World Contents

visibility Total Views : 24,487
Coverage:Kyudai Japanese International Access: Open Off campus GakuNin On campus

World Contents is a comprehensive discovery service where you can quickly search and access vast amounts of academic information in the world. World Contents can search "deep web" contents which Google or other search engines cannot access.


visibility Total Views : 20,260
Coverage:International Access: Off campus On campus

MathSciNet is an electronic publication offering access to a carefully maintained and easily searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of the mathematical sciences literature.

Coverage:International Access: Off campus On campus
Access Note

*The Number of Simultaneous Access: 3
Recommended Browser: Goole Chrome

CNKI is the largest scientific literature online service in China.

CiNii Books

visibility Total Views : 16,891
Coverage:Japanese Access: Open Off campus GakuNin On campus

CiNii Books provides holiding information of Japanese academic libraries.


visibility Total Views : 15,731
Coverage:International Access: On campus

UpToDate is a practical clinical reference designed to provide quick access to synthesized medical information in an easy-to-use format. It is comprised of thousands of original topic reviews written by experts who each address a specific clinical issue and provide detailed recommendations.


visibility Total Views : 15,458
Coverage:International Access: Open

Pure is a researcher profiling tool based on Scopus, which is the biggest abstracts and citations database in the world.
It has the functions not only to analyze research activities multidirectionally, but also to disseminate research outcomes.

National History Dictionary WEB

visibility Total Views : 15,418
Coverage:Japanese Access: Off campus On campus
Access Note

※ This database has been integrated with JapanKnowledge from April 2014.



This is the digitization of the largest Japanese History Encyclopedia all 15 volumes (17 books).

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

visibility Total Views : 12,649
Coverage:Japanese International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus
Access Note

Simultaneous access for each title: 1

More than 1 person cannot access to a certain title at the same time.


EBSCOhost eBook Collection, formerly known as NetLibrary, provides access to more than 5,000 ebooks, the full-text of traditionally published books in electronic format. EBooks are fully searchable.

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