

visibility Total Views: 15,041
Coverage:International Access: Open
Provider : Elsevier
Category: Researchers & Research Information

Pure is a researcher profiling tool based on Scopus, which is the biggest abstracts and citations database in the world.
It has the functions not only to analyze research activities multidirectionally, but also to disseminate research outcomes.

Pure also enables us to get the picture of research outcomes of Kyushu University by the categories of the individuals and of the faculties.

IR Office provides this tool. For inquiries or information, please contact the below:

[Contact Info.]
Office of Institutional Research, Kyushu University.
Ext.  (Ito) 90-2145
E-mail: kikir★jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
*Replace ★ with @ in the above adress.


  • Multidisciplinary

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