Supports for Active Learning

The library offers various services for active learning in the Kyushu University.

I have a book I'd like students to read...

Please let us know books and other materials you use in your class.

Recommendation of books for students

The libraries on each campus will ask you for recommendations once or twice a year, usually between summer and fall.

Assigned books

Books related to your classes can be shelved in the assigned books area (only for use in the libraries). The libraries on each campus will ask you for recommendations once or twice a year, usually between fall and winter.

Books on your syllabus

The library purchases books on the syllabus and makes them available in the library (the library staff will pick them up from your syllabus).

E-Journals & E-Books

The library offers a large selection of E-journals and E-books. You can access from off-campus by logging in. You can find E-journals and E-books on the library catalog.

I'd like to use library facilities for my class...

If you need your students to use library materials during the class, you can give a lecture in Central Library. [Reservation required]
For details, please ask the section below.
To use the Central Library, please check this page. >> Facilities (Central Library)

I need to teach students how to find academic materials...

Request a Workshop

We offer useful information and various workshops designed for online classes, such as effective using libraries and searching academic literature. Feel free to ask or apply from the form below.

Regular Workshops

The library regularly have workshops focusing on specific topics and tools.


You can learn about how to search library materials in three minutes!

You can view recordings of workshops anytime via Kyushu University Moodle.

Is there any place where students can ask for help?

Library TAs (Cuter) are graduate students work in the library as Advanced Teaching Assistants (ATA) of Kyushu University. They answer questions from students and the topics of consultation vary widely.

Learning Support Desk in the Library

Central / SciTechMedical

Learning Support on the Web

Send question via webform

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