Learning Support by Library TA (Cuter) on the Web

Library TA(Cuter) assists your surviving in a class and academic life!

Library TA(Cuter) is an Advanced Teaching Assistant, who supports out-class learnings of Kyushu University students.

They answer your questions via the form below.

Sample Questions

  • I want to get some advice for an assignment.
  • I want to know how to write a paper.
  • I want to know how to prepare for exams.
  • I want to get some advice for choosing courses.
  • I want to know how to utilize the library.


  • Questions submitted through the form will be received and answer you back by email.
  • Questions will be checked when Cuters are on duty, and will answer you back within 5 days depending on their working schedule.
  • Cuters may not answer your question depending on its contents.
  • Please check the link below for the Cuter's working schedule and subject areas in which they can handle.
  • If you have a file that we need to refer to in order to answer your question, please upload it via the file sharing system and tell us the URL of the file in the question field.
About the form
  • Your personal information (name, email, personal information in a comment) will be used only for the purpose to contact you.
  • Your affiliation will be used for a response to you and statistical use.


区分 (Status)
学科・専攻にご所属の場合は、学科・専攻名までご記入ください (Write both your department and major)
具体的な授業科目に関する質問の場合は、授業名を入力してください / If you have a question on a specific course, please write the name of the course
回答にあたり確認が必要なファイルがありましたら、OneDrive for Businessにアップロードし、ファイルのURLを質問欄でお知らせください/If you have a file that you would like us to confirm in order to answer your question, please upload it to OneDrive for Business and provide us with the URL of the file in the question section.
Cuterの指名、回答するCuterの専攻分野など、ご希望があればお知らせください / Name a specific Cuter if you prefer someone who answers your question, or if you have a preference for a Cuter's major.
回答に期限がある場合は入力してください。期限までの回答が難しい場合、おことわりさせていただくことがあります / If you have a deadline for the answer, enter the date here. Your question might be canceled if there is enough time to answer.
学習相談を利用するのは初めてですか? / Is this your first time to use us?
「今回初めて利用する」を選択した方は、学習相談のことを何で知りましたか? / If you selected " I use it for the first time this time ", How did you find us?
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