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Maruzen eBook Library
Maruzen eBook Library
Total Views: 44,836
Coverage:Japanese Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus
Provider : 丸善
Category: Ebooks, Academic Video, Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
Access NoteSimultaneous access for each title: 1
More than 1 person cannot access to a certain title at the same time.
Email address authentication is required when executing the download.
Maruzen has provided Japanese ebooks platform specialized academic books.
You can search by titles, authors, and full text. And you can also download the PDF files and print out from each pages.
The number of downloadable pages varies depending on the contents.
Please check the "Print/Save" screen for each content.
Authentication by email address is required to download the file. You must use an email address from the Kyushu University domain (~.kyushu-u.ac.jp)
- Multidisciplinary
- Arts and Humanities
- Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences
Learning Language
KIKAN Education
| Updated:
| Total Views: 44,836