JapanKnowledge Lib

JapanKnowledge Lib

visibility Total Views: 60,003
Coverage:Japanese Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus
Provider : NetAdvance
Category: Ebooks, Dictionaries & Encyclopedias, Statistics

JapanKnowledge will be conducting temporary system maintenance, including system upgrades, according to the schedule below.

The date of service suspension:
August 31, 2024 (Saturday) 21:00 to September 1, 2024 (Sunday) 13:00 (Japan Time)

You can cross-search the largest knowledge database in Japan that accumulates the encyclopedias, the dictionaries, news, and scientific site URL collection, etc.

It was renewed in "JapanKnowledge Lib" in April, 2014 and also "National History Dictionary" and "Encylopedia of Japanese Historical Place Names” were integrated.

From March 2017, "Jinbutsusosho" is available.

From March 2018, "Gunshoruiju" is available.

From December 2019, "Archives of Bungeishunju (1)" (1923-1932) is available.

From March 2020, "Archives of Bungeishunju (2)" (1933-1941) and "Archives of Bungeishunju (3)" (1942-1950) are available.

From March 2021, "Kamakuraibun" (Collection of Historical Materials of Kamakura Period) is available.

From April 2021, "Kanji Character-Japanese Dictionary" is available.

From January 2022, "Bijutsu Shinpo" is available.

From March 2022, "Kokushi Taikei" is available.

From January 2023, "Shiryo Sanshu"(from the Heian, Kamakura and Namboku-cho periods in the ancient records section) is available.

From March 2023, "Heianibun" (Collection of Historical Materials of Heian Period) is available.

From January 2024, "Shiryo Sanshu"(from the Muromachi and Sengoku periods in the old diaries section) is available.

>> List of JapanKnowledge General Contents

  • Multidisciplinary
  • Arts and Humanities
  • Social Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
Learning Language
KIKAN Education
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