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Provider : Kyushu University Library
Category: Search for Books & Journals, Ebooks, Ejournals

E-Resources Portal at Kyushu University.
Kyushu University provides more than 130,000 E-Journals and 400,000 E-Books for students and faculty members, as of July 2022.

*You can also search the available titles on "Collections".


Appropriate Use of E-Journals and E-Books

  • The following behaviors are not allowed by the terms of Agreements whether unintentional or not. Access to the journals will be suspended in the event of violation. Note that the punishment will affect not only the violator but also the whole of our university. *If the penalty is imposed on our university by the above behaviors, we will locate the user and investigate the situation.
    • Use for purposes other than individual study and research (espesially commercial use)
    • Excessive download
      ・systematic download by automated search robot or download software
      ・excess of what is regarded as normal and reasonable for the personal use
      ・Due to pre-read browser functions, unintentional excessive download may occur.
        To disable these functions, please see below "※About pre-read browser functions".
    • Modify, systematically reproduce, abridge, adapt, transform, translate, create any derivative work based on the Licensed Materials, redistribute or resell
    • Remove, obscure or modify in any way any copyright notices, trademark or proprietary notices, author attributions or disclaimers as they appear in the Licensed Materials
    • Use any Licensed Materials in a manner that would infringe the copyright or other proprietary rights therein
    • Mount or distribute any part of the Licensed Materials on any electronic network, including without limitation the Internet and the World Wide Web, other than the Secure Network
    • Allow anyone other than an Authorized User to use, access, display or otherwise make information from the Licensed Materials available to anyone other than an Authorized User


※About pre-read browser functions
 Due to pre-read browser functions, unintentional excessive download has occurred recently.
 Pre-read browser functions continually access links within pages in the background while pages are being viewed. As a result, unintentional excessive download may occur, even if the user intends to use electronic journals ordinarily.
 By making the below changes to your browser settings, you can disable these functions.

Microsoft Edge
Open "Settings" > "Cookie and Site permissions" > "Cookies and site data"
Set "Preload pages for faster browsing and searching" to off.

Google Chrome
Open "Settings" > "Performance" > "Speed" > "Preload pages"
Set "No preloading".

Type “about:config” in the URL bar and press Enter.
If the “This might void your warranty” warning is displayed, click "I’ll be careful I promise".
On the configuration screen double-click "network.prefetch-next" and set to "false."

Safari (Mac)
Open “Preferences” from the Safari menu bar.
On the “Search” tab uncheck “Preload Top Hit in the Background”.

  • Multidisciplinary
  • Arts and Humanities
  • Social Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
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