

visibility Total Views : 12,135
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus
Access Note

The ID and password are the same of those of the othe Elsevier's services (Scopus, Pure, SciVal, Mendeley, ScienceDirect Reference Works).

ScienceDirect is the E-journal and E-book collections produced by Elsevier.

Chemical Book Data Library

visibility Total Views : 11,976
Coverage:Japanese Access: Off campus On campus

The collective search of a chemical book (chemical handbook, experiment chemistry lecture, standard scientific term dictionary) published in Japan is possible.

Nexis Uni

visibility Total Views : 10,598
Coverage:International Access: Off campus On campus

Nexis Uni features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis—including U.S.


visibility Total Views : 9,859
Coverage:International Access: Off campus On campus
Access Note

If you are a first-time user, please register in advance.

The ID and password are the same of those of the othe Elsevier's services (Scopus, Pure, ScienceDirect, Mendeley, ScienceDirect Reference Works).

SciVal enables you to visualize research performance, benchmark relative to peers, develop collaborative partnerships and analyze research trends. It offeres research performance data of 8,500 research institutions and 220 nations worldwide.

Kenkyusha Online Dictionary (KOD)

visibility Total Views : 9,277
Coverage:Japanese International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus
Access Note

Simultaneous access: 5 / Please LOGOUT after use.

Kenkyusha's dictionaries, which are mainly English-Japanese / Japanese-English dictionaries, are searchable online.

Fukuoka Libraries Federated Search

visibility Total Views : 8,833
Coverage:Japanese Access: Open

Fukuoka Libraries Federated Search.

Visible Body

visibility Total Views : 8,776
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus
Access Note

How to use remote access via GakuNin
1. Click on the module you want to use.
2. Click "OpenAthens | Institutional" at the bottom of Ovid Login page.
3. Select "九州大学" on "Choose your institution".

Visible Body is the online application about anatomy, physiology, muscle, skeleton and circulatory organ. This product includes dialogue, 3D model, animation and exams.



visibility Total Views : 8,297
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus
Access Note

10 simultaneous accesses

MEDLINE provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more. The full MEDLINER for the Ovid platform, this product is updated daily.

PsycINFO (Ovid)

visibility Total Views : 8,036
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

PsycINFO is an electronic bibliographic database that provides citations with abstracts to the scholarly literature in the psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences.


visibility Total Views : 8,035
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

JSTOR offers back numbers of academic journals across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, as well as select monographs and other materials valuable for academic work.


visibility Total Views : 7,863
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

ProQuest is a integrated search platform of databases and journals.

Oxford English Dictionary Online

visibility Total Views : 7,498
Coverage:International Access: Off campus On campus

The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is widely regarded as the accepted authority on the English language. It is an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of 600,000 words— past and present—from across the English-speaking world.


visibility Total Views : 6,992
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

Ovid SP is a integrated search platfom of databases and journals provided by Ovid Technologies.

JoVE Science Education

visibility Total Views : 6,963
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

This provides the educational video materials containing key research concepts and basic experimental techniques.
Covering a wide range of fields including medicine, chemistry, and engineering, the videos are of high quality and can be used directly as teaching materials.

ERIC [Education Resources Information Center]

visibility Total Views : 6,851
Coverage:International Access: Open

ERIC is an online digital library of education research and information. ERIC is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education.

CiNii Research

visibility Total Views : 6,720
Coverage:Japanese Access: Open Off campus GakuNin On campus

CiNii Research, launched in April 2021, is an academic information search service provided by the National Institute of Informatics (NII).


visibility Total Views : 6,640
Coverage:Japanese Access: Open

J-STAGE is a platform for scholarly publications in Japan. It is developed and managed by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). JST launched J-STAGE with the aim to:
- rapidly circulate research in science, technology, humanities and social sciences in Japan.


visibility Total Views : 6,585
Coverage:International Access: Open

WorldCat is the world's largest network of library contents: more than 76 million of bibliographic records and more than 1.1 billion holdings' records. The number of bibliographic records are rising at a rate of 3.2 million records per year.

EconLit with Full Text (EBSCOhost)

visibility Total Views : 6,420
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

EconLit with Full Text contains all of the indexing available in EconLit, plus full text for more than 600 journals.


visibility Total Views : 6,258
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

EBSCOhost is an academic search platform to find and access fulltext articles and abstracts.

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