Support for KIKAN Education

Central Library provides various support for KIKAN Education.
We would like you to utilize our services.

[For Faculty]

[For Freshpersons]

Books for KIKAN Education

These books are shelved on 4th floor in Central Library.

Please let us know books and other materials you use in your class, such as textbooks, reference books, journal articles and lecture notes.
If a material you recommend is not in Central Library, we will purchase it (less than 2 extra copies).
You can indicate the location of your recommended books like this:

  • Central Library Course Reserve Books [non-circulation]
  • Central Library Course Reserve Books [1-week borrowing]

・Book Recommendation Form

[Contact Information]
Books Acquisitions Section, Central Library
tel: 092-802-2486

Course Reserve Books

We display books related to KIKAN Education classes on purpose-built shelves. There are two ways in use: non-circulating and short-term borrowing.
The duration of the display is the class term, but you can extend it by making an offer.

  • Location
    At Cute.Commons on 4F, Central Library. Books are displayed by class.
  • How to Use
    Books with a non-circulating seal can only be used within the library.
    Books without it can be borrowed for 1 week. Renewal is prevented.

Classes in the Library

If you need your students to use library materials during the class, you can give a lecture in Central Library. [Reservation required]
For details, please ask the section below.
To use the Central Library, please check this page. >> Facilities (Central Library)

On-Demand Workshops

The library offers various workshops on specific databases.
For details, please visit the page: >> Request a Workshop.

[Contact Information]
Learning and Research Support Section, Central Library
tel: 092-802-2483

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