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Borrowing & Renewing
Borrowing / Renewals / Returning / Reserves / Book Purchase Request / Shelf Guides(Japanese) / Photocopying of Library Materials / Closed Access Materials / Automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) / Recalls
Bring items to the circulation desk, and show your library-user card with them. Central Library has automatic borrowing machine.
Lending Period and Limit (General)
Lending period
Central Library
Science & Technology Library
Medical Library
Total 10 items
2 weeks
1 week
Design Library
Undergraduate: 10 items / Graduate: 20 items
Undergraduate: 2 weeks / Graduates: 30 days
Undergraduate:5 items / Graduate:10 items
1 week
Chikushi Library
10 items
2 weeks
5 items
2 days
Manuscript Library
(Business&Economics Section) |
Books/Periodicals Total 5 items
2 weeks
Special Lending Policy →See our branch libraries' sites
Central | Scitech | Medical | Design | Chikushi
As long as an item is not requested by another user, you may renew it for another borrowing period (Books only). You may not renew overdue items. Remember that renewed loan period starts from the day you make the renewal procedures, not from the original due date.
[By online]
If you use MyAccount you can renew your borrowing items by your own.
If you use MyAccount you can renew your borrowing items by your own.
[In person]
Go to the circulation desk and present your library-user ID and the material you would like to renew.
Go to the circulation desk and present your library-user ID and the material you would like to renew.
Return materials at the circulation desk or when the library is closed, you can return them to the book posts (located outside). Patrons may return items at any libraries on campus excepted ILL materials.
If you have not returned items by the due date, you are not allowed to borrow another material. Even though you return the overdued items, you cannot borrow any items during your penalty term. The duration of the term is the number of days of exceeding.
If you have not returned items by the due date, you are not allowed to borrow another material. Even though you return the overdued items, you cannot borrow any items during your penalty term. The duration of the term is the number of days of exceeding.
When you would like to use a book that is currently checked out by another user, you can place it on reserve. Please submit a complete request by online (Cute.Catalog). You may also submit at the circulation desk.
Book Purchase Request
You can request a book which is not owned in the library. (Kyushu University members only)
Even if the library is closing, we can purchase and provide ebooks. We will also consider purchasing books in print form as ebooks. Please make a request a book necessary for your study or research from Web form.
※The decision of purchasing books will be determined based on each library's collection development standards. Cheap, expensive, or continuous books may be not purchased.
※The Central Library, Medical Library, Design Library, Chikushi Library, and Science and Technology Library can be requested to distribute the books.
※To purchase books with your budgets, click here.
※This may take longer than usual due to staff's working from home and the publisher's situation. If the book is sold as an ebook, the approximate necessary time from request to delivery is one or two weeks for Japanese books and three or four weeks for foreign books.
Shelf Guides(Japanese)
Photocopying of Library Materials
According to the Copyright Law, copying all pages of a copyrighted library material is strictly prohibited. Only copying a part of a material for 1 copy per person for research/educational purposes is permitted.
According to the Copyright Law, copying all pages of a copyrighted library material is strictly prohibited. Only copying a part of a material for 1 copy per person for research/educational purposes is permitted.
Patrons can use self-service copy machines in the libraries. The photocopiers accept cash (coins only) or pre-paid cards
※We do not have exchange services.
Copying archival items and books bound in Japanese style is limited.
Closed Access Materials
An application to the holding library is required for the use of the following closed access materials: rare and semi-rare books, microfilms, theses, and some other materials.
For more information, please refer to the following webpage for each library. For the use of the materials in ASRS, please see the next section.
For more information, please refer to the following webpage for each library. For the use of the materials in ASRS, please see the next section.
Automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS)
Automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) is equipped in Central and Scitech Library.
If you would like to use materials in the ASRS, you use specialized computers for book retrieval are equipped next to the circulation desk. Anyone can pick up materials in the ASRS by the computer.
Kyushu University members who meet the requirements can use the ASRS, which allows you to request to retrieve materials from your laboratory or other locations.
For more information, please refer to the following webpage for each library.
Items in laboratory use or long loans are subject to recall.
Apply via online search result, clicking on "recall" buttons.
Availability will be noticed within 2 weeks. For items without buttons, contact to the circulation desk.
For users who have items in laboratory use and in long loan
When you receive a recall notice by email, please consider returning them for a while.
If you agree to return
Return the item within 2 weeks at the nearest library.
Returning via campus mail is acceptable for Ito campus members.
If you would like to check it out again when the recalled item is back, let us know when you bring it to the library.
If you disagree to return
Answer us back by mail or call. You can keep the item by the original due date.
※ For long loaned items, your due date will be shorten (2 weeks) when a recall is placed.
Without any response in the 2 weeks, your borrowing privileges will be suspended.
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