Reference Services

Our reference librarians help you with a variety of reference services that are:

  • instruction and help in using Kyushu University libraries and their resources through workshops, library tours, and assistance at a reference point.
  • help in determining where to look for: which libraries or databases to meet your needs.
  • assistance of how to use of various forms of electronic catalogs and indexes.

You may contact us in person, by telephone, FAX, and email. Please let us know the following information:

  • your name
  • your contact information (TEL/FAX No. or email address)
  • Your question
  • what is this reference questions for?
    (papers, thesis, articles, etc)

*Tell us what you got so far, if you already have searched by yourself. 
*Some questions may take a time.

Contacting Offices(only from 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays.)

Central Library Reference Service Section TEL: 092-642-2482 Mail Form
Scitech Library Reference Section TEL: 092-802-2454
FAX: 092-802-2455
Medical Library Reference Section TEL: 092-642-6040
FAX: 092-642-6041
Design Library Circulation Section TEL: 092-553-4427
FAX: 092-553-4598
Chikushi Library Library Service Section TEL: 092-583-7514
FAX: 092-583-8801
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