Data Publishing on QIR

The research data is increasingly requested to be opened or shared by academic journals or research funding agencies with the spread of Open Science.
Kyushu University has "Kyushu University Institutional Repository (QIR)" as a platform of research achievements. The collection policy of QIR was revised on March 18th, 2022, hence the researchers at Kyushu University can publish their research data.
The library supports research data publishing. Please feel free to contact us.

Table of contents

  1. How to register
  2. Points of Considered
  3. Register a DOI
  4. FAQ
  5. Reference information
  6. Contact

How to register

Please send a request with [Data to register] and [Information of the data] below to the following address by e-mail.
Digital Repository Section, Electronic Resources Management Division
qir[a] ※convert [a] to @

[Information of the data]
  • Data Title *
  • Creator (Name *, Identifier like ORCID、Affiliation)
  • Contoributoer (Contact Person etc.)
  • Publisher * ("Kyushu University" if you don't have particular request.)
  • Creation or Issued Date *
  • Description (An account of the data)
  • Keyword(s)
  • Copyright or License Information
  • Terms of use (Conditions and Disclaimer)
  • Funding information (Funder name, Award number)
  • Related URL (Publisher's DOI, Research result)
  • Date of publication
  • Request to obtain DOI or not
  • Notice

- It is not necessary to note all of the above information at the first contact.
- Information marked with "*" is required for DOI registration.

  • You can omit the above [Information of the data] by publishing your paper's evidence data, image data, etc. on the same page as the full-text PDF of the paper, provided that the creator of the data is the same person as the author of the paper. Instead, you will not be able to register a DOI for the data.
  • Please let us know if you would like to obtain the DOI of the data before publishing.

Points of Considered

  • QIR can't accept data exceeding 5GB, so we may recommend using other repositories outside of the university.
  • Please confirm whether your data can be published on QIR before submitting your request. Data, such as the following example, may need to be closed or published with restricted access.
    • The research colleagues don't agree to publish the data on repositories.
    • The contract of cooperating research with companies restricts publishing the data.
    • The data contains information of personal part, patents or security.
  • Please refer to the following principles in publishing your data.

Register a DOI

Kyushu University can register a DOI* on the data shared on QIR as like JaLC DOI、DataCite DOI(our recommendation).

※DOI(Digital Object Identifier):
This means an identifier given to elecronic contents on the internet. DOI can make persistent links to the contents.

Please refer to the following page for more information on DOI.(Japanese page only):



(Terms of Research data)
Q1. Is there a limit to the amount of data that can be registered?
A1. The system limit is 5GB. Please consult us if the size per file exceeds 100 MB or if you have a large number of files.

Q2. What types of data formats can be registered?
A2. Any digital data format can be registered. However, QIR doesn't provide applications for movies or 3D works, so users need to prepare on their own.

(How to publish)

Q3. Is it possible to specify when data will be published?We can't publish data right now because of patents and agreements with co-researchers, but we would like to do so in the future.
A3. It is possible to specify the date of publication.

Q4. Is it possible to specify the scope of data publication? For example, I'd like to share the URL to access the data only with journal editors and reviewers.
A4. Restricted publication of data will be available in due course. We will announce details on the library website.

Q5. Do I have to publish my research data on the QIR?
A5. QIR is just one of your options for publication locations. You can select the data repository to which you wish to publish based on your research field, the purpose of your data publication, the journal's policies, and the requirements of the funding agency.
Please feel free to ask us about publishing your research data on other repositories too.

Q6. What are the advantages of publishing data on QIR?
A6. Publishing data on QIR has the following advantages.
 ・Standard metadata that conforms to the JPCOAR schema can be registered.
 ・Metadata can be distributed externally, become searchable by search services (e.g. Google Scholar), and be included in various databases (CiNii, Web of Science, etc.).
 ・Data can be stored in the university storage for a long time.
 ・JaLC DOI and DataCite DOI can be registered to published data.
 ・You can specify any start date of publication.


Q7. How long does it take for the DOI link to become valid?
A7. It takes about 1 to 2 weeks.
*It may take more than 2 weeks due to system maintenance.

Q8. Is it possible to know in advance (before publication) the DOI of the data?
A8. We can let you know the DOI that will be assigned in advance. Please feel free to ask us.

(License and Terms of Use)
Q9. Can the registered data be used by third parties?
A9. Without any license information, third parties can't judge whether the data published on QIR is available for use or not. The creator of the data can specify the terms of use of the data by granting a Creative Commons license, etc. at the time of registration.

Q10. If I waive my rights through granting a CC0, will I no longer be cited by data users?
A10. No. Even though you no longer have legal rights, you can still provide terms of use for the data and require users to cite, source, attribute, credit, etc., either as a contract or as a norm or practice in the research community.

Reference information

*The information on this page is based on the information available as of February 2024. Information will be updated as needed to reflect the expansion of services offered.



Data sharing on QIR
Digital Repository Section, Electronic Resources Management Division
qir[a] ※convert [a] to @

General Information of Research Data Management

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