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Open Access
Publication of Doctorate Dissertations
A person who is conferred a doctorate on or after April 1, 2013, is requested to publicize the full contents of his/her doctorate dissertation on the Kyushu University Institutional Repository (QIR) within one (1) year from the conferment thereof.
If there is any reason deemed unavoidable by the graduate school, and if the doctorate recipient is unable to publicize his/her doctorate dissertation on the Internet even after one (1) year from the conferment of the degree, he/she is requested to publicize a summary instead of the full contents.
If the unavoidable reason for not publicizing the full contents ceases to exist, the doctorate recipient is requested to notify the graduate school to that effect and to publicize the full contents on QIR.
Information on the doctorate dissertation registered with QIR will be utilized by the National Diet Library.
Submission of Electronic Copy of Doctorate Dissertation
An applicant for review of a doctorate dissertation is required to submit the following documents:
1. Documents to be submitted
- Statement of Depositing My Dissertation Word PDF
- Electronic copy of full contents of the doctorate dissertation
- Electronic copy of the gist of the doctorate dissertation
- Electronic copy of the summary of the doctorate dissertation (if any unavoidable reason for not publicizing the full contents exists)
*If the gist is the same as the summary, submitting copies of the same contents is sufficient.
2. Section for submission
- Section for accepting applications for review of a doctorate dissertation at each graduate school
3. File format
- Copies of full contents and summary of the doctorate dissertation shall be submitted in the original format prepared by the author, such as Microsoft Word. The files will be converted into PDF/A format by the University Library at the time of registration with QIR.
- An applicant who desires to submit the files in PDF format is requested to use the PDF/A (ISO 19005) format.
4. Contact Information
- About the submittion prosedure : Please consult to the students office which you belong to.
- About the institutional repository : Digital Repository Section, Kyushu University Library
(FYI) Publication of Dissertations Published in Academic Journals, etc.
When a doctorate applicant submits a doctorate dissertation already published in academic journals or other media, the PDF format file prepared by the publisher is generally used. However, in most cases, the copyrights to such dissertations have been transferred from the author to the publishing company under the contract executed upon the contribution of the dissertation. Whether such the PDF format file prepared by the publisher can be publicized on the Internet depends on the policies of the publishing company.
If your doctorate dissertation has been or will be published in academic journals, we would appreciate your cooperation as follows:
1. Provision of Information on Copyright Policies of Publishing Companies
When you submit the Statement of Depositing My Dissertation, please attach information on the copyright policies of the publishing companies you referred to when contributing the dissertation for publication in academic
journals (for example, a copy of the copyright transfer form, or a printout of a screen grab of the website page displaying the copyright policy of the publishing company).
2. Amendment of the Statement of Depositing My Dissertation
Please note that the University Library, after confirmation of the contents of the electronic copy of your doctorate dissertation, may ask you to amend and re-submit your Statement of Depositing My Dissertation (hereinafter the "Statement") in any of the following cases:
(1) The case where you selected "I agree to make the dissertation publicly available on QIR" in the Statement but the dissertation cannot be made publicly available on QIR due to the policy of the publishing company ⇒ The public access to the full text of the dissertation is restricted, and only the summary thereof will be made publicly available on QIR.
(2) The case where you selected "I request that public access to the dissertation be restricted for the following unavoidable reason(s)" in the Statement due to prior publication in an academic journal but, in practice, it is possible to make it publicly available on QIR ⇒ The full contents of the dissertation will be made publicly available on QIR.
3. Provision of Final Author's Version
Even in the case where the Internet publication of the PDF format file prepared by the publisher is not allowed, many publishers (such as Elsevier or Springer) permit the author's manuscript file for final submission to the publisher (final author's version) to be deposited with the repository system of universities and other institutions. If the doctorate dissertation you submit is confirmed as the article published in an academic journal by the publisher which has the above policy, the University Library may ask you to register such final author's version with QIR.
As the final author's version is not completely identical to the doctorate dissertation submitted for the review, it is not considered as the Internet publication referred to in the Degree Regulations of Kyushu University. However, registration with QIR can bring many benefits, such as increased influence of your research results, so we would appreciate your cooperation in providing us with the final author's version.
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