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Open Access
How to deposit research outputs subjected to the Open Access Policy (My Page)
The following instruction will explain how to deposit your research output, which are subjected to the Kyushu University Open Access Policy, to QIR, and make a waiver request of the Policy at the library website.
- Login to the library website
- My Page > Author Self-Archiving (QIR)
- List of your publications
- Confirmation
- Input metadata / Select whether to publish the full-text file
- Upload fulltext files
- Edit / Delete metadata
- Finish
1. Login to the library website
Visit the library website, and click "Login" at the top-right of the page.
Input your SSO-KID and password, and click "Login".
2. My Page > Author Self-Archiving (QIR)
Click "Author Self-Archiving (QIR)" in the "My Page".
3. List of your publications
Here is a list of publications deposited by yourself to QIR. Click "New Request".
4. Confirmation
Please confirm the following conditions, and then check "Confirmed" and click "Next".
5. Input metadata / Select whether to publish the full-text file
Before uploading fulltext files, input metadata (bibliographic information) about research output you are going to deposit.
If fulltext files you will upload at Step 6 (below) are author manuscripts, select "Accepted Manuscript" at the "Publication Type" field. Other optional fileds are recommended to be filled in.
If you want to disclose the full-text PDF or data, select "1. Release to the public (open access) ". If you wouldn't like to disclose them, select one of the provided reasons, and fill in the detail when you check "4. Closed for another reason". When your finished, click "Save" at the bottom of the page.
Remark: Even if you wouldn't like to disclose your research output, you need to input metadata and upload fulltext files. But finally only metadata will be disclosed and fulltext files be kept closed at QIR.
6. Upload fulltext files
Now metadata has been deposited. Next, you need upload fulltext files. Click "Upload a fulltext file".
Click "参照..." and choose a fulltext file, and then click "Upload". "Description(JPN)" and "Description(ENG)" are comments about the file, and optional fileds.
Remark: Please do not include commas or blank spaces in file names to avoid glitches.
The following message means that your upload finished successfully. If you have other files, repeat the above process.
Here you can click "Edit" to edit the descriptions of the file, and click the trash icon to delete the file.
7. Edit / Delete metadata
You can click "Edit" to edit metadata at the bottom of the page in Step 6, and click "Delete" to completely delete metadata and fulltext files you uploaded.
Once the library has begun the process of depositing your research outputs to the repository, you will not be able to edit or delete the metadata from "My Page". Please e-mail us if this is the case. cf."Contact"
Before deletion, you will find a confirmation page.
8. Finish
Now you have finished depositing to QIR!
Your research output will be disclosed at QIR (in the Kyushu University "Collection") after some works including copyright clearance at the library (a couple of days will be needed). If you make a waiver request, only metadata will be disclosed and fulltext files be kept closed.
Digital Repository Section, Electronic Resources Management Division, University Library
Tel: 092-802-2459
Mail: qir@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
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