
Biological Science Database (ProQuest)

visibility Total Views : 747
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

Biological Science Database contains the leading 1,500 serials as well as conference proceedings, technical reports, monographs and selected books and patents.

Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database includes 1,000 full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications. Topics covered include&nb

Arts & Humanities Database (ProQuest)

visibility Total Views : 740
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

This is a full-text journal database covering the Arts & Humanities, containing more than 500 titles.

Coverage:Japanese Access: Off campus On campus
Access Note

Recommended Browser: Microsoft Edge
When accessing from off-campus, an error message "Forbidden" may appear. In this case, please delete cookies from your browser and try accessing again.

This is the database of materials demonstrating the footprint of institutional reform design of local self-government for about half a century after the war.

Coverage:Japanese Access: Off campus On campus
Access Note

Recommended Browser: Microsoft Edge
When accessing from off-campus, an error message "Forbidden" may appear. In this case, please delete cookies from your browser and try accessing again.

The collection contains approximately 450 autographs of more than 60 modern literature writers from the Meiji period to the early postwar period, which are held by the Kyoshi Memorial Literature Museum.


visibility Total Views : 674
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

This is the ejournal platform which is provided by Karger. (Subscribed ejournals are only available.)

Coverage:Japanese Access: Off campus On campus
Access Note

Recommended Browser: Microsoft Edge
When accessing from off-campus, an error message "Forbidden" may appear. In this case, please delete cookies from your browser and try accessing again.

This is the database of materials about diverse policies holded by Hiromi Arisawa, an economist who had a great influence on postwar economic policy.


visibility Total Views : 657
Coverage:International Access: Off campus On campus

KRpia is the Korean Studies Database. (Subscribed titles are only available.)

Yuho-Bunko Collection

visibility Total Views : 629
Coverage:Japanese Access: Off campus On campus
Access Note

Recommended Browser: Microsoft Edge
When accessing from off-campus, an error message "Forbidden" may appear. In this case, please delete cookies from your browser and try accessing again.

This is the online database of Yuho-Bunko Collection, which held by The Research Institute for Oriental Cultures Gakushuin University. It contains a large number of valuable materials on Korea during the colonial period.

Thieme Publishing Group

visibility Total Views : 609
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

This is the ejournal platform which is provided by Thieme Publishing Group. (Subscribed ejournals are only available.)

Documents Related to Kiichi Miyazawa

visibility Total Views : 601
Coverage:Japanese Access: Off campus On campus
Access Note

Recommended Browser: Microsoft Edge
When accessing from off-campus, an error message "Forbidden" may appear. In this case, please delete cookies from your browser and try accessing again.

This is the database of materials holded by Kiichi Miyazawa (1919 - 2007), the 78th Prime Minister of Japan.

Digital National Security Archive (DNSA)

visibility Total Views : 591
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

This is a collection of primary documents related to contemporary U.S. national security held by The National Security Archive (NSA) in the United States.


Japan and the United States: Diplomatic, Security, and Economic Relations, Part III, 1961-2000

Current Dicision Support

visibility Total Views : 571
Coverage:Japanese Access: On campus

This database is a consultation manual that includes "Dictionary of Today's Diseases", which provides diagnosis and treatment methods for 3,000 diseases, and "Dictionary of Today's Questionnaire/Diagnosis", which provides approaches to diagnosing 700 symptoms and findings.

Annual Reviews

visibility Total Views : 555
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

This is the ejournal platform which is provided by Annual Reviews. (Subscribed ejournals are only available.)

American Historical Periodicals

visibility Total Views : 513
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

This database contains the American Antiquarian Society's collection of American magazines.
It contains over 6,000 titles published between the late 17th and early 20th centuries. Over 7 million pages in total.

U.S. Declassified Documents Online

visibility Total Views : 484
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

It contains declassified documents of the U.S. federal government and is fully text searchable.
It contains classified documents from approximately 60 U.S. government agencies, including the State Department, Department of Defense, CIA, FBI, National Security Council, White House, etc.

Coverage:Japanese Access: Off campus On campus
Access Note

Recommended Browser: Microsoft Edge
When accessing from off-campus, an error message "Forbidden" may appear. In this case, please delete cookies from your browser and try accessing again.

This is a complete collection of all 67 volumes of the records of the Tokyo Military Tribunal for The February 26 Incident, which were discovered by the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office and long said to "not exist".

What Everyone Needs To Know

visibility Total Views : 438
Coverage:International Access: Off campus On campus

What Everyone Needs To Know (WENTK) is the online version of a popular series in which experts in their respective fields provide easy-to-understand explanations of the complex current events that we see and hear about every day in newspapers and the news.

The University of Chicago Press Journals

visibility Total Views : 408
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

This is the ejournal platform provided by The University of Chicago Press. (Subscribed ejournals are only available.)


visibility Total Views : 354
Coverage:International Access: Off campus GakuNin On campus

This is the ejournal and ebook platform provided by Brill. (Subscribed titles are only available.)

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