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【COVID-19】Changes to Opening Hours for Winter 2020
From December, 2020, Kyushu University Library extends its opening hours and resumes operation of weekends and national holidays.
Please use library equipment for your learning and research activities, considering the policies of each library.
For more details on available services, refer to Library Response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).
The library does not accept visiting of the general public so far. Please see this page for access to our holdings.
This information is subject to change at any time, due to the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic.
◆Central Library and Science & Technology Library
【Opening Hours (12/1-)】
Weekdays 10:00-21:00
Weekends and Holidays 10:00-18:00
Central Library:https://www.lib.kyushu-u.ac.jp/en/libraries/central/hours
Sci&Tech Library : https://www.lib.kyushu-u.ac.jp/en/libraries/scitech/hours
【Targeted Users】
Affiliated Members (Faculty, Staff, Researchers, and Students)
【Reading Seats】
Staying up to 2-3 hours for learning and research activities using library materials is preferred.
◆Medical Library
【Opening Hours (11/2-)】
Weekdays 9:00-21:00
Weekends and Holidays 9:30-17:00
【Targeted Users】
Affiliated Members (Faculty, Staff, Researchers, and Students)
【Reading Seats】
Staying up to 2 hours for learning and research purposes using library materials is preferred.
※From December 1, 2020, 24 hours admission service with IC card resumes. (Only members affiliated with Hospital Campus can apply. For more information, go to this page (Japanese).
◆Design Library
【Opening Hours (12/5-12)】
Weekdays 10:00-17:00
Saturday 10:00-17:00
【Opening Hours (12/14-25)】
Weekdays 10:00-21:00
Saturdays 10:00-17:00
【Targeted Users】
Affiliated Members (Faculty, Staff, Researchers, and Students)
【Reading Seats】
Staying up to an hour for learning and research purposes using library materials is preferred.
◆Chikushi Library
【Opening Hours (12/5-)】
Weekdays 9:00-20:00
Saturdays 10:00-18:00
【Targeted Users】
Affiliated Members (Faculty, Staff, Researchers, and Students)
【Reading Seats】
Staying up to an hour for learning and research purposes using library materials is preferred.
Please consider:
- If you have symptoms such as fever, coughing, sneezing, and fatigue, reconsider your visiting.
- Please wear a mask during your stay.
- Make sure that sanitizing hands when you enter, and washing and sanitizing hands after you use equipment.
- Visiting as a group and conversation in the library is not allowed.
- To secure your safety, some seats and facility are not available.
- Not available for online classes. You should take them at classrooms designated by department offices.
- Install “COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application (COCOA)” on your smartphone before your visit.
◆Contact Information
Circulation Section, Central Library tousiryou@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Circulation Section, Science and Technology Library titoservice@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Circulation Section, Medical Library tieetura@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Circulation Section, Design Library toshokan@design.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Chikushi Library srttosho@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
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