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QIR 10th Anniversary
Today the Kyushu University Institutional Repository, QIR, turns its 10th anniversary!
We had launced QIR on April 14th 2006, and have been making the university's research outputs openly accessible on the web. Now QIR contains over 30,000 contents which are consist of peer-reviewed articles or conference papers of our researchers, and departmental bulletin papers or doctoral dissertations published in the University. These contents are widely discoverable in search engines as Google and academic databases as CiNii Articles or CiNii Dissertations. Each content is assigned an DOI (Digital Object Identifier), which is a globally unique identifier and a persistent hyperlink to the academic content.
The university has just adopted its open access policy in January 2016, and clearly expressed its attitude to open access. With your help, the university library will continue to develop QIR to support research and education in the university and also in the global society.
10 years of QIR
- 2006.4.14 Launched
- 2007.4 Started Linking with Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
- 2009.1 Turned 10,000th contents
- 2012.6 Started adding doctoral dissertations digitized by National Diet Library
- 2012.7 Turned 20,000th contents
- 2013.4 Japanese goverment started open access mandate to doctoral dissertations
- 2013.12 Integrated to Collections
- 2014.2 Renewed a self-archiving web interface
- 2014.6 Released a new QIR interface
- 2015.5 Released a new dissertation browsing feature
- 2015.8 Turned 30,000th contents
- 2015.10 Started DOI registration to doctoral dissertations
- 2015.12 Started DOI registration to departmental bulletin papers
- 2016.1.19 Kyushu University Open Access Policy was adopted
- 2016.4.14 10th birthday!
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