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Relocation of Materials (Ito Library)
The relocation of libraries was completed in September, 2018.
The following information is archives of relocation.
For the opening of the New Central Library in October 2018, the materials of the Ito library are gradually moving.
The schedule of the material relocation and the services during the relocation period are as follows. * It will be updated from time to time.(Last Updated:August 3, 2018)
The books will be available in October 2018.
【Aug. 2018】
○ Books in ItoChuo 2F Open Stacks, 2F Course Reserve Books, 2F International Collection and 1F Current Journals
These will relocate to the New Central Library.
【July. 2018】
○ ItoChuo 2F Asian Books, 3F Collections, 2F Large-sized Books and BF Journals(Back issues), Books in ItoChuo closed stacks
These will relocate to the New Central Library.
【June. 2018】
○ Books in ItoChuo BF Open Stacks
These will relocate to the New Central Library.
【Feb. 2018】
○ ItoChuo Microfilms
These have been relocated to the New Central Library.
You can take the inter-campus delivery service. Please ask at the counter of Ito Library.
【Dec. 2017】
○ ItoChuo Journals(Back issues)
Materials are moving to the Automated Storage in the New Central Library.
You can pick up materials in the Automated Storage by a specialized PC at the New Central Library Counter.
You can use Inter-Campus Books Delivery [Charge-free] and photocopy delivery service [Charged].
【Oct.-Nov. 2017】
○ ItoChuo 3F Russian Books and some books in ItoChuo BF Open Stacks
Materials are moving to the Automated Storage in the New Central Library.
You can pick up materials in the Automated Storage by a specialized PC at the New Central Library Counter.
You can use Inter-Campus Books Delivery [Charge-free] and photocopy delivery service [Charged].
【Aug.-Sep. 2017】
○ Some books in ItoChuo 2F Open Stacks and ItoChuo 2F Asian Books
Materials are moving to the Automated Storage in the New Central Library.
You can pick up materials in the Automated Storage by a specialized PC at the New Central Library Counter.
You can use Inter-Campus Books Delivery [Charge-free] and photocopy delivery service [Charged].
Ito Library circulation section.
TEL:092-802-2453 E-mail:titoservice@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
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