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Kyushu University Dr. Nakamura Tetsu Project: Passing on the Spirit of Dr. Nakamura to the Next Generation

The late Dr. Nakamura Tetsu (1946–2019), University Professor of the Institute for Advanced Study at Kyushu University and an alumnus of the Kyushu University School of Medicine, dedicated 35 years of his life to medical care, irrigation, and agriculture in rural Afghanistan and Pakistan. To share his spirit, resolve, and work with future generations, in March 2021, Kyushu University concluded a cooperation agreement with Peshawar-kai, the Japanese NGO that oversees Dr. Nakamura and his team's work in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and launched The Kyushu University Dr. Nakamura Tetsu Project: Passing on the Spirit of Dr. Nakamura to the Next Generation.
At the heart of this project are the Dr. Nakamura Tetsu Memorial Archive, also established in March 2021, and the Nakamura Tetsu Memorial Lecture Series, offered in the KIKAN Education program in the Kyushu University Faculty of Arts and Sciences since 2021. The project hosts events and leads new initiatives in education and research pertaining to Dr. Nakamura in collaboration with Peshawar-kai and the community.

From left: Dr. Masaru Murakami, Chairman of Peshawar-kai; Prof. Tatsuro Ishibashi, President of Kyushu University; Prof. Tomoyuki Kubo, Director General of Kyushu University Libraries
Dr. Nakamura Tetsu Memorial Archive
The Dr. Nakamura Tetsu Memorial Archive is an exhibition space that features visual displays and video footages of Dr. Nakamura's work. This exhibition space, opened in March 2021, is located in Cute.Commons on the fourth floor of the Central Library. The key concept of this exhibition is to present Dr. Nakamura's first-person narratives in the forms of video footages, graphic images, timelines, and books. The glass screen on display features quotes chosen by a group of Kyushu University students who participated in the reading group of Dr. Nakamura's works.
*A video recording of the Dr. Nakamura Tetsu Memorial Archive Opening Event held on March 21, 2021, is also available on YouTube.
*The Dr. Nakamura Tetsu Memorial Archive is open to the public during the Kyushu University Central Library's opening hours.
Nakamura Tetsu Digital Archive
The Kyushu University Library launched the Nakamura Tetsu Digital Archive in March 2021 as part of the Kyushu University Institutional Repository (QIR). The goal of this digital archive is to preserve and make available online Dr. Nakamura's spirit and work with the world and future generations. We have digitized Dr. Nakamura's speeches and writings, including activity logs from Afghanistan, publications, and newspaper and magazine articles, and made them publicly available online.
Nakamura Tetsu Memorial Lecture Series: Passing on the work and the spirit of Dr. Sahib
From Spring 2021 semester, the Nakamura Tetsu Memorial Lecture Series has been offered as a general subject for first-year undergraduate students in the KIKAN Education program. The series includes lectures by Dr. Nakamura's co-workers as well as self-study and group work sessions that make use of the new archives. These activities allow students to explore deeply the background of Dr. Nakamura's work and learn how to apply his ideas to their own activities.
* Students participating in the lectures as teaching assistants (TA) provide regular updates about the 2021 Memorial Lecture Series using note.com, a popular Japanese content streaming platform.
Other on-campus initiatives are being planned for the near future. The Kyushu University School of Medicine Alumni Association is also implementing numerous projects, including commemorative lectures, that will help to keep his spirit alive.
Contact Us
"The Kyushu University Dr. Nakamura Tetsu Project: Passing on the Spirit of Dr. Nakamura to the Next Generation"
Digital Repository Section Electronic Resources Management Division Kyushu University Library
744, Motooka Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8581,
TEL: (+81)092-802-2459
Email: pj_nakamura★jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
*This site and social media accounts are subject to Kyushu University Library’s site policy.
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