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【COVID-19】Change of Opening Hours at Central Library and Sci&Tech Library(9/1~)
Kyushu University developed "Kyushu University Guidance" and restricts activities on campus.
Under the guidance, Kyushu University Library resumes the services.
From September 1, 2020, opening hours at Central Library and Science & Technology Library will be change, due to the reducing the level of restrictions to Level 2 [Restrictions (Low)].
There are no changes in Medical Library, Design Library, and Chikushi Library.
For more details about our latest services, please refer to Library Response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) .
◆Central Library and Science & Technology Library
From Tuesday, September 1, 2020 until further notice(During Level 2 Period)
【Opening Hours】
Weekdays 9:00-16:00
Weekdays 9:00-16:00
Weekends and Holidays Closed
【Targerd Users】
Affiliated Members (Faculty, Staff, Researchers, and Students)
※ Visitors are not accessible.
Affiliated Members (Faculty, Staff, Researchers, and Students)
※ Visitors are not accessible.
【Available Services】
Browsing at stacks, Borrowing, Picking up reserved materials, Photocoping library materials, Receiving ILL materials,
Using materials at closed stacks (rare and semi-rare books, thesis, microfilms, etc.)(Reservation Required>>)
Browsing at stacks, Borrowing, Picking up reserved materials, Photocoping library materials, Receiving ILL materials,
Using materials at closed stacks (rare and semi-rare books, thesis, microfilms, etc.)(Reservation Required>>)
※ We ask you stay as short as possible. (up to 30 minutes) Reading areas are closed.
※ Reservation for admission is not required.
However, admission may be controlled depending on the numbers of the staying users.
【Contact Information】
Circulation Section, Central Library tousiryou@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Circulation Section, Science and Technoloby Library titoservice@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
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