Books by Nakamura Tetsu

  • 『わたしは「セロ弾きのゴーシュ」  中村哲が本当に伝えたかったこと』中村哲 著(NHK出版、2021年)
    Watashi wa 'Cello Hiki no Gauche' : Nakamura Tetsu ga Honto ni Tsutaetakatta Koto
    [Like 'Gauche the Chellist' : What Nakamura Tetsu Really meant to say ]by Nakamura Tetsu (NHK Publishing, 2021)
    This book is a transcript of six interviews with Dr. Nakamura on NHK’s late-night radio show from 1996 to 2009. After working at the Leprosy Ward at the Peshawar Mission Hospital, Dr. Nakamura became involved in projects to dig wells, provide medical care, and construct irrigation canals for the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan. When asked about the motivation behind his many years of activity in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Dr. Nakamura compared himself to Gauche the Cellist, the titular protagonist of a short story by novelist Kenji Miyazawa. Dr. Nakamura rarely talked about himself, which makes this book a rare opportunity to read about his life in his own words.
    Link to the publisher’s website, etc. (in Japanese)
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

  • 『希望の一滴 ―中村哲、アフガン最期の言葉』中村哲 著(西日本新聞社、2020年)
    Kibou no Itteki – Nakamura Tetsu, Afghan Saigo no Kotoba
    [A Drop of Hope: The Last Words of Nakamura Tetsu in Afghanistan], by Nakamura Tetsu (Nishinippon Shimbun, 2020)
    Link to the publisher’s website, etc. (in Japanese)
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

  • 『Providence Was with Us: How a Japanese Doctor Turned the Afghan Desert Green』
    Written by Nakamura Tetsu 、Translated by Carl Freire (Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2020)

    This is the English translation of "天、共に在り Ten, Tomo ni Ari" which was selected and translated for the Japan Library, an international public relations project of the Cabinet Office in 2020. This is a book that brings the words of Dr. Nakamura to people around the world.
    Starting in 1984 and continuing until his untimely passing in 2019, Dr. Nakamura Tetsu carried out relief work in Pakistan and Afghanistan both as a physician and as a humanitarian trying to improve living conditions for the people he met. With nature and the bonds of fate that link humans together setting the tone, this unique memoir recounts the travails and triumphs of Nakamura’s three and half decades in those two countries. How did this Japanese doctor who traveled to the region to provide medical care end up digging more than 1,600 wells and building a 25.5 kilometer-long canal? In a foreign land struck by civil war, bombings, and drought, miracles could still happen.
    Link to the publisher’s website, etc.
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

  • 『アフガン・緑の大地計画 ―伝統に学ぶ灌漑工法と甦る農業』中村哲 著、改訂版(Peace (Japan) Medical Services & ペシャワール会、2018年)
    Afghan, Midori no Daichi Keikaku – Dentou ni Manabu Kangai Kouhou to Yomigaeru Nogyou
    [The Afghan Green Ground Project - Learning traditional irrigation methods and reviving agriculture],
    by Nakamura Tetsu, revised edition (Peace (Japan) Medical Services & Peshawar-kai, 2018)
    Link to the publisher’s website, etc. (in Japanese)
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

  • 『天、共に在り ―アフガニスタン三十年の闘い』中村哲 著(NHK出版、2013年)
    Ten, Tomo ni Ari – Afghanistan sanju nen no Tatakai
    [Providence Was with Us: 30 Years of Struggle in Afghanistan], by Nakamura Tetsu (NHK Publishing, 2013)
    Link to the publisher’s website, etc. (in Japanese)
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

  • 『人は愛するに足り、真心は信ずるに足る ―アフガンとの約束』中村哲 著、澤地久枝 聞き手(岩波書店、2010年)
    Hito wa Aisuru ni Tari, Magokoro wa Shinzuru ni Taru – Afghan to no Yakusoku
    [We know that people are worth loving and that a true heart is worth believing: A Promise with the Afghans], by Nakamura Tetsu, interviewed by Sawachi Hisae (Iwanami Shoten, 2010)
    Link to the publisher’s website, etc. (in Japanese)
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

  • 『医者、用水路を拓く ―アフガンの大地から世界の虚構に挑む』中村哲 著(石風社、2007年)
    Isha, Yousui Ro wo Hiraku – Afghan no Daichi kara Sekai no Kyokou ni Idomu
    [A doctor, builds irrigation canal: Confronting the world's fictions, a challange from the land in Afghanistan], by Nakamura Tetsu (Sekifusha, 2007)
    Link to the publisher’s website, etc. (in Japanese)
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

  • 『丸腰のボランティア ―すべて現場から学んだ』中村哲 編、ペシャワール会日本人ワーカー 著(石風社、2006年)
    Marugoshi no Volunteer – Subete Genba kara Mananda
    [Volunteers without any weapons - All we learnt in the working field], edited by Nakamura Tetsu and written by the Japanese Workers of the Peshawar-kai (Sekifusha, 2006)
    Link to the publisher’s website, etc. (in Japanese)
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

  • 『アフガニスタンで考える ―国際貢献と憲法九条』中村哲 著(岩波書店、2006年)
    Afghanistan de Kangaeru – Kokusai Kouken to Kenpou Kyujou
    [Thinking in Afghanistan: An International Contribution and Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution], by Nakamura Testuya (Iwanami Shoten, 2006)
    Link to the publisher’s website, etc. (in Japanese)
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

  • 『Hansen's disease : in NWFP, Pakistan & Afghanistan for comedical workers』
    Tetsu Nakamura、PMS (PMS, 2005)

    Dr. Nakamura received the 2003 Ramon Magsaysay Award (External link)for Peace and International Understanding. This is an instructional book on the treatment of leprosy, published with the prize money of the award.He planed to distribute them around to dermatologists to help with the early detection of leprosy cases in the area.The book is based on extensive experience in the treatment of leprosy in the Afghanistan-Pakistan borderlands, and is illustrated with many color photographs of pathological specimens and case images.
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

  • 『空爆と「復興」 ―アフガン最前線報告』中村哲、ペシャワール会 編著(石風社、2004年)
    Kubaku to Fukkou – Afghan Saizensen Houkoku
    [Airstrikes and ‘Reconstruction’: A Report from the Front Lines in Afghanistan], edited by Nakamura Tetsu and the Peshawar-kai (Sekifusha, 2004)
    Link to the publisher’s website, etc. (in Japanese)
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

  • 『医者よ、信念はいらない まず命を救え! ―アフガニスタンで「井戸を掘る」医者中村哲』中村哲 著(羊土社、2003年)
    Isha yo, Shinnen wa Iranai Mazu Inochi wo Sukue! – Afghanistan de ‘Ido wo Horu’ Isha Nakamura Tetsu
    [Doctors, Save Lives First, Not Your Thoughts!: -A doctor "digs wells" in Afghanistan], by Nakamura Tetsu (Yodosha, 2003)
    Link to the publisher’s website, etc. (in Japanese)
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

  • 『辺境で診る辺境から見る』中村哲 著(石風社、2003年)
    Henkyo de Miru Henkyo kara miru
    [A Doctor’s Perspective from the Border]by Nakamura Tetsu (Sekifusha, 2003)
    Link to the publisher’s website, etc. (in Japanese)
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

  • 『ほんとうのアフガニスタン : 18年間“闘う平和主義”をつらぬいてきた医師の現場報告』中村哲 著(光文社、2002年)
    Honto no Afghanistan
    [The Real Afghanistan: A Doctor’s Report on His 18 years of Persistent Battle for Peace] by Nakamura Tetsu (Kobunsha, 2002)
    Link to the publisher’s website, etc. (in Japanese)
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

  • 『中村哲さん講演録 ―平和の井戸を掘る アフガニスタンからの報告』中村哲 述、ピースウォーク京都 編集(ピースウォーク京都、2002年)※絶版
    Nakamura Tetsu San Koenroku – Heiwa no Ido wo Horu Afghanistan kara no Houkoku
    [a transcript of the Nakamura Tetsu lecture: Digging the well of Peace: a report from Afghanistan], written by Nakamura Tetsu, edited by Peace Walk Kyoto (Peace Walk Kyoto, 2002) *Out of print
    This book is a record of a lecture held in Kyoto on 9th December 2001, attended by about 2,000 people. It also contains together with about 70 photographs. The kanji characters have been changed to hiragana to make it easier for elementary and junior high school students to read.
    Link to the publisher’s website, etc. (in Japanese)
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

  • 『医者 井戸を掘る ―アフガン旱魃との闘い』中村哲 著(石風社、2001年)
    Isha Ido wo Horu – Afghan Kanbatsu to no Tatakai
    [A Doctor Digs Wells: the Struggle Against Droughts], by Nakamura Tetsu (Sekifusha, 2001)
    Link to the publisher’s website, etc. (in Japanese)
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

  • 『医は国境を越えて』中村哲 著(石風社、1999年)
    I wa Kokkyo wo Koete
    [Medicine goes Beyond Borders], by Nakamura Tetsu (Sekifusha, 1999)
    Link to the publisher’s website, etc. (in Japanese)
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

  • 『ダラエ・ヌールへの道 ―アフガン難民とともに』中村哲 著(石風社、1993年)
    Dara-e-Noor e no Michi – Afghan Nanmin to Tomo ni
    [A Road to Dara-e-Noor: Along with Afghan refugees], by Nakamura Tetsu (Sekifusha, 1993)
    Link to the publisher’s website, etc. (in Japanese)
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

  • 『アフガニスタンの診療所から』中村哲 著(筑摩書房、1993年)
    Afghanistan no Shinryojo kara
    [From a Clinic in Afghanistan] by Nakamura Tetsu (Chikuma Shobo, 1993)
    Link to the publisher’s website, etc. (in Japanese)
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

  • 『ペシャワールにて ―癩そしてアフガン難民』中村哲 著、増補版(石風社、1992年)
    Peshawar nite – Rai, soshite Afghan Nanmin
    [In Peshawar: Leprosy and Afghan Refugees], by Nakamura Tetsu, enlarged edition (Sekifusha, 1992)
    Link to the publisher’s website, etc. (in Japanese)
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

  • 『ペシャワールからの報告 ―現地医療現場で考える』中村哲 著(河合文化教育研究所、1990年)
    Peshawar karano Houkoku – Genchi Iryou Genba de Kangaeru
    [Report from Peshawar: Thinking on the Local Medical Front], by Nakamura Tetsu (Kawai Institute for Culture and Education, 1990)
    Link to the publisher’s website, etc. (in Japanese)
    Link to the collection of Kyushu University (in Japanese)

Books Related to the Peshawar-kai

Books Related to the Peshawar-kai (External link-Japanese)

Exhibition of publications in the Dr. Nakamura Tetsu Memorial Archive

The exhibition space "Dr. Nakamura Tetsu Memorial Archive" displays Dr. Nakamura's writings and related books.
They are also available for loan. (Except for prohibited materials)

Link to the Memorial Archive exhibition materials (Kyushu University collection)

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