Library Collections

Holding : Central Library Web
  • Volumes : 512 titles
  • Category : Special Collection (Original)
  • Contents Type : Western Books
  • Subject : History, Geography, Law, Politics

This collection consists of the books on the international law and law of nation published in the 17th and 18th century. It covers major works on international law in this period. Viewing the collection, we can make a general survey of the development of this study field.

Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 250 volumes
  • Category : Special Collection (Original)
  • Contents Type : Western Books
  • Subject : Philosophy, Religion

The collection consists of about 250 books, that is, old publications of literary works and studies written by Thomas Aquinas in thirteenth century.

Holding : Central Library

Auxiliary statutes, reports and research reports in various fields related to British Government are systematically recorded by related government agency in 1922 to 1972. As to economics, primary materials related to export of capital especially portfolio investment are included.

The Financial Times, 1888-1981

visibility Views: 4,314
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 294 reels
  • Category : Special Collection (Copies)
  • Contents Type : Microfilms
  • Subject : Economy

The collection comprises of 294 reels of microfilm of valuable original documents covering politics, economics and culture from 1888 to 1981.

The Foundations of German Sociology

visibility Views: 4,280
Holding : Central Library

The collection consists of original works and first edition books by savants who contributed to the development of German sociology in late nineteenth century to today, with a central focus on four great savants of German sociology, Georg Simmel, Max Weber, Werner Sombart and Max Scheler.

Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 1878
  • Category : Special Collection (Original)
  • Contents Type : Western Books
  • Subject : Philosophy, Religion

This collection contains literature on conservative thought published from Carl Ludwig von Haller, one of the advocates of conservative thought in the early 19th century, to Ernst Moritz Arndt and Friedrich Julius Stahl, through the reign of Wilhelm II, who pushed for military expansion with his

Holding : Central Library Web

An exhibition about a flood disaster on 1953 in Fukuoka.

Holding : Central Library

United Kingdom which gave birth to capitalism the earliest in the world was a country which raised various problems in industrialization. In this collection, social problems after 1719 such as poverty, housing and welfare were considered in the context of urban environment.

Toda Collection

visibility Views: 1,390
Holding : Medical Library
  • Volumes : 142 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Japanese Books, Western Books
  • Subject : Medical Science

Former collection of "Tadao Toda", author of "Toda New Bacteriology", which is widely used as a microbiology textbook in universities throughout Japan, and related books. He was a professor of bacteriology at Kyushu Imperial University School of Medicine and the first director of the Tuberculosis

Tokizane Akiho Collection

visibility Views: 867
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 149
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Japanese Books, Western Books
  • Subject : Literature, Linguistics, History, Geography, Law, Politics

Former collection of the 11th Fukuoka Mayor, Akiho Tokizane, mainly Korean books and reference graphic documents. Donated to the former Fukuoka High School.

Tomita Collection

visibility Views: 2,917
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : About 600 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Wahon
  • Subject : Literature, Linguistics

Private collection of Tomita Shinnosuke (冨田 新之助).
Unique collection of kyoukabon (狂歌本) in Edo and Meiji period.

Uchida Collection

visibility Views: 4,519
Holding : Central Library Science and Technology Library
  • Volumes : 2500
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Japanese Books, Western Books
  • Subject : Literature, Linguistics, Agriculture, Science

Ugata Collection

visibility Views: 445
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 1,700
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Western Books
  • Subject : Law, Politics

Collection includes many valuable books on German law (constitutional law, administrative law, and local government law) from the 19th and 20th centuries.

Umegaki Collection

visibility Views: 3,238
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 513 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Japanese Books, Western Books
  • Subject : Literature, Linguistics

Private collection of Prof. Umegaki Minoru (楳垣 実) on dialect study.

Universal Public Law Collection

visibility Views: 538
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 37
  • Category : Special Collection (Original)
  • Contents Type : Western Books
  • Subject : Law, Politics

This is a collection of works on international law (public international law) that were considered important during the period of acceptance of European international law in Japan from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji period.

Urology Classroom Kubo Old Books

visibility Views: 865
Holding : Medical Library
  • Volumes : 400 books
  • Category : Other Collections
  • Contents Type : Wahon, Chinese Books
  • Subject : Medical Science

Shigeru Takagi, the first professor of the Department of Urology, Faculty of Medicine, collected old Japanese and Chinese medical books in the market, which were formerly owned by Inokichi Kubo (1874-1939), the first professor of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology.


Watanabe Collection

visibility Views: 3,012
Holding : Science and Technology Library
  • Volumes : 887 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Japanese Books, Western Books
  • Subject : History, Geography, Science

Personal collection on geological science by Prof. Kyukichi Watanabe.
Prof. Watanabe engaged in many researches on mineral resources and the collection contains a lot of research papers and geological maps on the researches.

Accession date:December 16, 1940

Watanabe collection

visibility Views: 1,834
Holding : Central Library Manuscript Library
  • Volumes : 223 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Wahon, Archival Documents, Japanese Books
  • Subject : Philosophy, Religion, History, Geography

Watanabe Collection

visibility Views: 2,591
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 71 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Japanese Books
  • Subject : Education

Private collection of Prof. Watanabe Makoto(渡辺 誠) on comparative education.

West State Statutes Annotated

visibility Views: 3,839
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 1,256 books
  • Category : Special Collection (Original)
  • Contents Type : Western Books
  • Subject : Law, Politics

1,256 books with detailed annotation of statutes in major states in the USA.

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