Watanabe Collection

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Holding : Science and Technology Library
  • Volumes : 887 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Japanese Books, Western Books
  • Subject : History, Geography, Science

Personal collection on geological science by Prof. Kyukichi Watanabe.
Prof. Watanabe engaged in many researches on mineral resources and the collection contains a lot of research papers and geological maps on the researches.

Accession date:December 16, 1940

Personal collection on geological science by Prof. Kyukichi Watanabe.
Prof. Watanabe engaged in many researches on mineral resources and the collection contains a lot of research papers and geological maps on the researches.

Accession date:December 16, 1940
Number of volumes: Japanese Books…570, Foreign Books…317, Total…887 (Including periodicals)
Ownership mark: 渡邊久吉蔵書 (or some autograph signatures)
Collection mark: 渡邊教授旧蔵本

Collection > Watanabe Collection

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