Library Collections

Holding : Web

This is a database of digitized images of Japanese rare materials of Kyushu University.

→Integrated into Collections since Dec, 2013.

Holding : Medical Library Web

Medical Library Collection of Valuable Books

Holding : Web
  • Volumes : 731
  • Category : Databases
  • Contents Type :
  • Subject : Philosophy, Religion, Literature, Linguistics, History, Geography

→Integrated into Collections since Dec, 2013.

Kyushu University Rare Book Collection

visibility Views: 7,447
Holding : Web
  • Volumes : 219
  • Category : Databases
  • Contents Type :
  • Subject : Philosophy, Religion, Literature, Linguistics, History, Geography

This is a database of digitized images of rare materials or printed catalogs. 

→Integrated into Collections since Dec, 2013.

Holding : Web
  • Volumes : 21,148
  • Category : Databases
  • Contents Type :
  • Subject : Philosophy, Religion, Literature, Linguistics, History, Geography

This is a bibliographic catalog of Kyusyu University unique collections, including:

La Collection de Charles Perrat

visibility Views: 4,950
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : About 3,800 Materials
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Western Books
  • Subject : History, Geography

Former book collection of the late professor Charless Perrat (French National Paleography School) About 3,800 Materials related to history auxiliary sciences, especially paleography, western legal history and local history.

Holding : Design Library
  • Volumes : 62 books
  • Category : Special Collection (Original)
  • Contents Type : Western Books
  • Subject : Sociology, Engineering

Books and documents on house construction for labor-class and related social and environmental issues which are discussed in the context of urban design and social policies in United Kingdom from 19th century to present.


Lloyd Morgan Architectural Collection

visibility Views: 3,910
Holding : Design Library
  • Volumes : 1,021 books, 737 drawings
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Western Books
  • Subject : Art, Engineering

Lloyd Morgan (1892-1970), who was an architect and a scholar in architecture, is famous for his design of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York. The Collection contains written or printed materials (plans, books, etc.) on architecture, which were collected by him.

Lotmar Collection

visibility Views: 2,735
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 1,729 volumes
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Western Books
  • Subject : Law, Politics

Private collection of Prof. Philippe Lotmar (1850-1922), a formar president of the University of Bern, about Roman law, private law, labor law, legal philosophy etc.


Man and His Environment Introduction

visibility Views: 3,504
Holding : Design Library
  • Volumes : 1,080 books
  • Category : Special Collection (Original)
  • Contents Type : Western Books
  • Subject : Sociology

The collection includes several hundred titles on mans relationship with nature and wildlife and a couple of hundred titles on how man has polluted his environment with particular reference to the economic development of the 20th century.

Masazumi Eto documents

visibility Views: 6,351
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 60 sets 224 volumes
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Wahon, Archival Documents
  • Subject : Philosophy, Religion, Literature, Linguistics, History, Geography

Eto Masazumi's (Kokugaku thinker, 1836-1911) autograph manuscripts. His manuscripts are based on the huge collection of books and catalogs, some of them are already dissipated.

Masuda Collection

visibility Views: 3,588
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 493 sets 2,090 volumes
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Wahon, Chinese Books, Japanese Books
  • Subject : Philosophy, Religion, Literature, Linguistics

Pribate collection of Masuda Koho (益田古峯), a teacher at Shuyukan (修猷館). The collection is mainly consists of the literary works written by Confucianists.

Accession date: March 22, 1966
Number of Volumes:
 493 sets 2090 volumes (according to the handwritten catalog)

Masuda Renkichi collection

visibility Views: 62
Holding : Central Library Manuscript Library
  • Volumes : 342
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Wahon, Chinese Books, Archival Documents, Japanese Books, Western Books
  • Subject : Philosophy, Religion, Education, Art, Literature, Linguistics, History, Geography, Economy, Law, Politics
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : about 300 books
  • Category : Other Collections
  • Contents Type : Japanese Books
  • Subject : Law, Politics

A group of books of the proceedings of the Code Research Committee, pertaining to the work of compiling the basic codes of the Meiji era. Typewritten by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science in the Showa era.

Matsuki Collection

visibility Views: 2,801
Holding : Manuscript Library

This is an archives about Nagasaki collected by Matsuki (松木長兵衛).

Matsunami Collection

visibility Views: 3,560
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 12,612 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Wahon, Chinese Books
  • Subject : Philosophy, Religion, Literature, Linguistics

Private collection of Prof. Matsunami Taigan (松涛 泰巌).
Buddhist scriptures published in Edo period.

Holding : Medical Library
  • Volumes : 680
  • Category : Other Collections
  • Contents Type : Archival Documents, Japanese Books, Western Books
  • Subject : Medical Science
Collection of medical doctral theses awarded from Kyushu Imperial University.
Holding : Medical Library
  • Volumes : About 150 volumes
  • Category : Special Collection (Original)
  • Contents Type : Western Books
  • Subject : Medical Science


Meiji Collection

visibility Views: 415
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : about 1200 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Japanese Books
  • Subject : Law, Politics

This is a collection of law-related books published in the Meiji period, owned by the Faculty of Law.
This is an extremely valuable collection for research on jurisprudence and jurists of the Meiji period.

Mikami Collection

visibility Views: 2,874
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 855 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Japanese Books, Western Books
  • Subject : History, Geography

Private collection of Prof. Mikami Masatoshi (三上 正利) about geography, history and ethnic studies in Japan, Russia, Soviet, Mongol and China.

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