Sekisui Collection

visibility Views: 4,674
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 875 sets 3,089 volumes
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Wahon, Chinese Books
  • Subject : Philosophy, Religion, Literature, Linguistics

Private collection of Kusumoto Sekisui (楠本 碩水), a Confucian scholar in Hirado domain. The collection came to Kyushu University through the good offices of Prof. Kusumoto Masatsugu (楠本 正継), a grandson of Kusumoto Tanzan (a brother of Sekisui).

Private collection of Kusumoto Sekisui (楠本 碩水), a Confucian scholar in Hirado domain. The collection came to Kyushu University through the good offices of Prof. Kusumoto Masatsugu (楠本 正継), a grandson of Kusumoto Tanzan (a brother of Sekisui).

Collection mark: 「碩水文庫」 on cataloging cards
Ownership mark: 「碩水藏書」 etc.
Call number: 碩水文庫/[book title]/[number]



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