Rakuchi Collection

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Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 95 sets 698 volumes
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Wahon, Chinese Books
  • Subject : Philosophy, Religion, Literature, Linguistics

Private collection of Takahashi Rakuchi (高橋 楽池), a Han learning (漢学) scholar lived in Fukuoka.

Private collection of Takahashi Rakuchi (高橋 楽池), a Han learning (漢学) scholar lived in Fukuoka. A part of the collection had been deposited in the Fukuoka Private Library (1902-1917), which was located in the Fukuoka brunch of the Izumo-taisha, then donated to Fukuoka High School, the predecessor of today's Kyushu University.

Accession date: March 20, 1926
Donator: 高橋求身
Ownership mark: 「高橋氏図書記」「高橋知郷」「楽地」etc.



  • 『福岡県碑誌』筑前之部(大道学館、1929)
  • 筑紫豊「私立福岡図書館館史」(『図書館学』6、1958)
  • 玉泉大梁「玉泉館の記」(『九大教養部報』18、1966)
  • 西尾陽太郎「玉泉館―九大教養部歴史資料展示室」『図書館情報』4(11)、1968)
  • 旧制福岡高等学校蔵書」『九州大学附属図書館研究開発室年報』2010/2011
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