Otonashi Collection

visibility Views: 4,090
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 12,000 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Wahon, Chinese Books, Japanese Books
  • Subject : Literature, Linguistics, History, Geography

Private collection of Prof. Terao Hisashi (寺尾 壽) about Japanese language and literature.

Printed Catalog

Private collection of Prof. Terao Hisashi (寺尾 壽) about Japanese language and literature.

Printed Catalog

Digital Images


  • 田村隆「音無文庫」『九州大学百年の宝物』丸善プラネット、2011
  • 寺尾新「寺尾壽」『父乃書齋』(三省堂、1943)
  • 『九大新聞』12、1928
ASRS / Rare Books Room

Please refer to the Shelf Guides of the Central Library.



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