Kasuga Masaji & Kazuo Collection

visibility Views: 4,572
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : Approx. 700
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Wahon, Japanese Books
  • Subject : Literature, Linguistics

Private collecion of Prof. Masaji Kasuga (春日政治/1878-1962)  and Kazuo Kasuga (春日和男/1915-2012)  about Japanese literature and linguistics.

Private collecion of Prof. Masaji Kasuga (春日政治/1878-1962)  and Kazuo Kasuga (春日和男/1915-2012)  about Japanese literature and linguistics.

Especially, "Golden Light of the Most Victorious Kings Sutra (金光明最勝王経)" is unique and valuable for the kunten (written marks for rendering Chinese into Japanese) in the Heian Period.

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