Hirose Collection

visibility Views: 5,546
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 10,804 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Wahon, Chinese Books, Japanese Books
  • Subject : Philosophy, Religion, Literature, Linguistics, History, Geography

The book collection of Private Fukuoka Library deposited to the Central Library was purchased for Hirose Bunko soon after the war.

The book collection of Private Fukuoka Library deposited to the Central Library was purchased for Hirose Bunko soon after the war. Materials are related to philosophy, Japanese history and Japanese literature.

Featured Titles

  • 平仮名絵入本『太平記』
  • 『日本山海名物図会』



  • 『福岡日日新聞』大正14年12月23日
  • 筑紫豊「私立福岡図書館館史」『図書館学』6、1958
  • 金庚美「九州大學校圖書館所藏古典小説目録及解題」(韓文)『韓国言語文化研究』6、2004
2F Book Wall, and Semi-Rare Books Room

Please refer to the Shelf Guides of the Central Library.

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