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Open Access Survey for Kyushu University Members(~2025.1.24)
In February 2024, the Cabinet Office announced the “Basic Policy on Promoting Open Access to Publicly Funded Scholarly Publications and Scientific Data”(Written in Japanese).
Immediate Open Access (OA) to research outputs (peer-reviewed academic papers and evidence data) funded by grants such as Kakenhi will be mandatory for newly solicited projects starting in FY 2025.
To learn more about Open Access (OA), see the following page:
What's Open Access?(Kyushu University Library)
Under the policy, Kyushu University considers enhancing our support for researchers in terms of Open Access activities and promotion of their research outputs.
Kyushu University Library is going to conduct a survey whose purpose is understanding what KU researchers need and how much they recognize OA policies.
Your answers are definitely valuable as data to consider better research support services such as Article Processing Charge (APC) and Kyushu University Institutional Repository (QIR). We would like as many KU researchers as possible to answer the survey.
Answer the Survey (Login required)
Survey Subjects: Researchers (faculty, doctoral student, etc.) at Kyushu University
OA Support Team, Kyushu University Library
TEL: 092-802-2483 (Ext. 90-2483)
E-mail: lib_oa@ml.jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
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