QIR has just reached 50,000 contents!


We have registered various research outputs created by the researchers and graduate students in the University to Kyushu University Institutional Repository (QIR) and make them open through Collections.

Now newly added contents in August are as below. As you can see, we have over 50,000 contents in QIR.

Here's the milestone content!

Title:Sociology of Leaving/Returning to The Hometown
Authors:JINNOUCHI, Mirai; WADA, Chinatsu; TOKUNAGA, Masanao; TAKAKURA, Yui; KIMURA, Takuya
Journal Title:The journal of sociology of education, Kyushu University

Based on a questionnaire survey of college students, this paper analyzes what is responsible for the level of local attachment and local preferences. (Sorry, Only Japanese version.)



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Breakdown of contents




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Contact: Digital Repository Section, Office for eResource Services, University Library
E-mail:qir@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp / TEL:092-642-2342

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