【New e-Resources】"U.S. Declassified Documents Online", "China and the Modern World" and "SpringerProtocols"


To Faculty, Staff, and Students of Kyushu University

"U.S. Declassified Documents Online", "China and the Modern World Module 3 : Diplomacy and Political Secrets, 1869-1950" and "SpringerProtocols 2018" are now available.

U.S. Declassified Documents Online

It contains declassified documents of the U.S. federal government and is fully text searchable.
It contains classified documents from approximately 60 U.S. government agencies, including the State Department, Department of Defense, CIA, FBI, National Security Council, White House, etc.
It not only allows users to filter documents by confidentiality level (Top Secret, Secret, Confidential, etc.), document type, issuing agency, censorship, document creation date, and declassification date but also enables full text search using OCR processing, making document discovery much easier.
In addition, a visualization function that graphs the time-series frequency of terms and related words of search terms, a PDF file download function, and an OCR text download function are implemented, paving the way for detailed analysis not only on a document-by-document basis but also on a word-by-word level.
As of December, 2021, there are approximately 147,500 documents on board, with 5,000 documents released as supplements each year.


Click here and access to the database.

China and the Modern World Module 3 : Diplomacy and Political Secrets, 1869-1950

This is the collection of 4,204 carefully selected and digitized China-related documents from the British Library's holdings of former Indian Ministry documents from the Political and Confidential Sector, Burma Bureau, and Military Sector.
These documents include intelligence materials, reports, memoranda, letters, intelligence logbooks, expedition logbooks, maps, etc., by the former Ministry of India concerning mainland China and the border areas with British India, namely Xinjiang, Tibet, and Yunnan.


Click here and access to the database.

SpringerProtocols 2018

SpringerProtocols is assembled over 25,000 molecular biology and biomedical science protocols.
It is an invaluable resource for the modern research laboratory.


Click here and access to the database.


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