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Newly Added Contents to QIR (June, 2016)
We have registered various research outputs created by the researchers and graduate students in the University to Kyushu University Institutional Repository (QIR) and make them open through Collections.
Now, newly added contents in this month are as below:
Type | # of new contents (this month) |
Total # of contents |
Journal Article | 1 | 2918 |
Thesis or Dissertation (*) | 0 | 2494 |
Departmental Bulletin Paper | 34 | 20096 |
Conference Paper | 5 | 1002 |
Presentation | 0 | 294 |
Book | 5 | 366 |
Technical Report | 0 | 494 |
Research Paper | 0 | 749 |
Article | 2 | 997 |
Preprint | 0 | 203 |
Learning Material | 0 | 40 |
Others | 5 | 2120 |
52 | 31773 |
(*)"Thesis or Dissertation" contains those have only abstract and do not have fulltext.
Newly added Journals/Dissertations in this month are as below:
- 『The Oriental studies』vols.43-44
- 『Gobun Kenkyu』vol.119
- 『Evergreen』vol.3, no.1
- 『Seiji-Kenkyu』vol.62
- 『The Kyushu University Museum News』vol.25
- 『Studies in Chinese Philosophy』vol.40
- 『The bulletin of Institute of Research in Kyushu Cultural History』vols.55-59
You can easily submit your research output at "Activities" on this website.
For details, see:
https://www.lib.kyushu-u.ac.jp/en/services/qir/top (Only in Japanese)
Contact: Digital Repository Section, Office for eResource Services, University Library
E-mail:qir@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp / TEL:092-642-2342
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