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【COVID-19】Gradual resumption of library services (from June 25)
Kyushu University developed "Kyushu University Guidance" and restricts activities on campus.
In response to the guidance, Kyushu University Library gradually resumes more services.
Since Thursday, June 25, 2020
Degree of Operation:Level 2 [Restrictions (Low)]
Reference:“Kyushu University Guidance for Preventing the Spread of the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).”
Opening schedule and resumed services during level 2 are described in the following.
For our services during level 3 (June 1 - June 24, 2020), see here >> .
We continuously support your learning, education and research with providing electronic materials and responding to your inquiries.
Ask us via Inqury Form >> or email the contact information listed below.
Due date of books you borrowed before or during the temporaly closing is June 30 (materials at Medical Library are EXCLUDED.) You may renew via MyPage unless there are any other reservation.
If you have difficulties to return books, email the contact information.
If you have difficulties to return books, email the contact information.
- Please wear a mask during your stay.
- If you have symptoms such as fever (37.5 or over), coughing, sneezing, and fatigue, reconsider your visiting.
- Bring your student/staff ID card.
- We ask you the minumum necessary stay. Visiting as a group and conversation in the library is not allowed.
- All libraries prohibit eating at any public areas.
- Library service is not available for non-affiliated users. (all campus areas are closed for visitors)
◆ Central Library and Science & Technology Library
Thursday, June 25, 2020 -(During Level 2 Period)
【Opening Hours】
Weekdays 9:00-16:00
Holidays (classes offered: 7/23,24,8/10)10:00-16:00
【Targerd Users】
Affiliated Members (Faculty, Staff, Researchers, and Students)
【Available Services】
Browsing at stacks, Borrowing, Picking up reserved materials, Photocoping library materials, Receiving ILL materials,
Using materials at closed stacks (rare and semi-rare books, thesis, microfilms, etc.) (Reservation Required)
※ We ask you stay as short as possible. (up to 30 minutes) Reading areas are closed.
※ Reservation for admission is not required, however, admission may be controlled depending on the numbers of the staying users.
【Contact Information】
Circulation Section, Central Library tousiryou@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Circulation Section, Science and Technoloby Library titoservice@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
【Contact Information】
Circulation Section, Central Library tousiryou@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Circulation Section, Science and Technoloby Library titoservice@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
◆Medical Library
Thursday, June 25, 2020 -(During Level 2 Period)
【Opening Hours】
Weekdays 9:00-17:00
Holidays (classes offered: 7/23,24,8/10)9:00-17:00
【Targerd Users】
Affiliated Members (Faculty, Staff, Researchers, and Students)
【Available Services】
Browsing at stacks, Borrowing, Picking up reserved materials, Photocoping library materials, Receiving ILL materials,
Using materials for in-library use only. (For rare books, Reservation Required>>)
※ We ask you stay as short as possible. (up to 30 minutes) Reading areas are closed.
Using materials for in-library use only. (For rare books, Reservation Required>>)
※ We ask you stay as short as possible. (up to 30 minutes) Reading areas are closed.
※ 24 hours admission service with IC card is still suspended.
【Contact Information】
Circulation Section, Medical Library tieetura@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
【Contact Information】
Circulation Section, Medical Library tieetura@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
◆Design Library
Thursday, June 25, 2020 -(During Level 2 Period)
【Opening Hours】
Weekdays 10:00-16:00
Holidays (classes offered: 7/23,24,8/10)10:00-16:00
【Targerd Users】
Affiliated Members (Faculty, Staff, Researchers, and Students)
【Available Services】
Browsing at stacks, Borrowing, Picking up reserved materials, Photocoping library materials, Receiving ILL materials
※We ask you stay as short as possible. (up to 60 minutes) Reading areas are closed.
※Admission may be controlled depending on the numbers of the staying users.
【Contact Information】
Circulation Section, Design Library toshokan@design.kyushu-u.ac.jp
※Admission may be controlled depending on the numbers of the staying users.
【Contact Information】
Circulation Section, Design Library toshokan@design.kyushu-u.ac.jp
◆Chikushi Library
Thursday, June 25, 2020 -(During Level 2 Period)
【Opening Hours】
Weekdays 9:00-16:00
【Targerd Users】
Affiliated Members (Faculty, Staff, Researchers, and Students)
【Available Services】
Browsing at stacks, Borrowing, Picking up reserved materials, Photocoping library materials, Receiving ILL materials
※We ask you stay as short as possible. (up to 30 minutes) Reading areas are closed.
※Admission may be controlled depending on the numbers of the staying users.
Weekdays 9:00-16:00
【Targerd Users】
Affiliated Members (Faculty, Staff, Researchers, and Students)
【Available Services】
Browsing at stacks, Borrowing, Picking up reserved materials, Photocoping library materials, Receiving ILL materials
※We ask you stay as short as possible. (up to 30 minutes) Reading areas are closed.
※Admission may be controlled depending on the numbers of the staying users.
【Contact Information】
Chikushi Library srttosho@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Chikushi Library srttosho@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
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