[Design Library] Tie-up Exhibition with DIDI Symposium: Books by Emiko Namihira and Kaori Hayashi

Exhibition, Design Public
2024.02.19 〜 2024.03.06

(See our opening hours calendar. On March 6th the exhibition will be closed at 1 p.m.)
Venue: Reading Hall on the 1st floor, Design Library

The Design Initiative for Diversity & Inclusion of Kyushu University (DIDI) is exhibiting their recommended books in Japanese at the Reading Hall on the 1st floor, Design Library.
This time, DIDI exhibits books by Prof. Emiko Namihira (anthropology) and Prof. Kaori Hayashi (media and journalism studies), presenters in the symposium below.

List of exhibits (Available to borrow and reserve)

Tie-up event: DIDI Symposium: For Liberating Diversity (web page in Japanese)
Date: February 28th, 2024 (Wed.)

In the conventional uniform society at a dead end, people emphasizes the importance of realizing the diverse society and requires the way of design to meet the needs.
DIDI has worked to establish the mechanism for making the relationship among people diverse and inclusive as the design for diversity and inclusion.

Then, what is the design for diversity and inclusion?
From what viewpoint should we gaze the society, grasp social issues, and design the mechanism to solve them?

DIDI introduces the books useful to study and practice the matters above as the great books for diversity and inclusion.
Pick up a book you are interested in and think about the design for diversity and inclusion.

Host: Design Initiative for Diversity & Inclusion of Kyushu University (web page in Japanese)
Collaborator: Kyushu University Design Library

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