Library Collections

Fukuoka Modern Literature Chronology

visibility Views: 2,914
Holding : Web

This is a database of the historical events related to literature happened in Fukuoka. It is based on the research outcome of Prof.

Furuno collection

visibility Views: 1,183
Holding : Central Library Manuscript Library
  • Volumes : 764 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Wahon
  • Subject : Philosophy, Religion, Literature, Linguistics, History, Geography

Japanese and Chinese books formerly owned by the Furuno family, village headman of Shiromaru Village, Kurate County, and distributed to the library and the Faculty of Law and Letters. The documents were received by the Kyushu Institute of Cultural History in 1933.

Holding : Central Library

Collection based on the book collection of Professor Gerhard von Schulz Gaevernitz former professor of Freiburg University and known as the representative of German New Historical School.

Gokanbon(bound book) Collection

visibility Views: 2,658
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 215 volumes
  • Category : Special Collection (Original)
  • Contents Type : Wahon
  • Subject : Literature, Linguistics

Gokanbon(bound book) collection written by Santo Kyoden(山東 京伝), Kyokutei Bakin(曲亭 馬琴) and Ryutei Tanehiko(柳亭 種彦) in Edo period.

Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : About 29,500
  • Category : Special Collection (Copies)
  • Contents Type : Microfilms
  • Subject : Economy
This collection is consisted of literature of social sciences in 15th-20th century in the Goldsmith' Library of Economic Literature at the University of London and the Kress Library of Business and Economics at the Harvard Graduate School of Business and Business Administration in Boston.

Groß Collection

visibility Views: 703
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 2800 Volumes
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Western Books
  • Subject : History, Geography, Sociology, Economy, Law, Politics

Former collection of the Austrian politician and economist Gustav Grosß (1856-1935), mainly related to economics and political science.

Gushima Collection

visibility Views: 2,940
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 3,036 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Japanese Books, Western Books
  • Subject : Law, Politics

Private collection of Prof. Gushima Kanesaburo(具島 兼三郎) about contemporary international politics.

Gyokusenkan Archives

visibility Views: 3,277
Holding : Manuscript Library

This collection consists mainly of old documents other than the Mitoma Papers, which were collected during the time of the former Fukuoka High School.

Hagino Collection

visibility Views: 4,708
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : About 7,600 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Wahon, Japanese Books
  • Subject : Literature, Linguistics, History, Geography

Private collection of Prof. Hagino Yoshiyuki(萩野 由之) about Japanese history and literature.

Hama Collection

visibility Views: 5,875
Holding : Central Library

Private collection of Prof. Hama Kazue(濱一衛), about 2,500 volumes of books on Chinese theater. A lot of booklets,clippings, records and photos are included in the collection.

Holding : Central Library
It is conference notes and records of discussion of British parliament, and mainly consists of law bills and reports of regular committee and ad hoc committee of the parliament and reports of government agencies.

Hara collection

visibility Views: 639
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 19 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Western Books
  • Subject : Education

Old collection of books related to pedagogy of Toshiyuki Hara (原 俊之)(1908-2001), professor of the Faculty of Education.

Harrison Collection

visibility Views: 2,333
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 242 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Western Books
  • Subject : History, Geography, Sociology, Economy

Private collection of Prof. Lloyd Harrison about coal mining and coal minors in UK.

Henry George Collection

visibility Views: 340
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 59 books
  • Category : Special Collection (Original)
  • Contents Type : Western Books
  • Subject : Economy

Collection consisting of books by American economist Henry George (1839-1897), related books by his contemporaries, and Henry George research books.

Higaki Collection

visibility Views: 6,852
Holding : Central Library Manuscript Library
  • Volumes : About 50,000 materials
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Wahon, Archival Documents, Japanese Books
  • Subject : Art, History, Geography

Private collection of Prof. Higaki Motokichi (檜垣 元吉, 1906-1988).

Higuchi Collection

visibility Views: 5,004
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 293 sets 1,742 volumes
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Wahon, Chinese Books
  • Subject : Philosophy, Religion, Literature, Linguistics, History, Geography

Pribate collection of Higuchi Wado (樋口和堂), a Han learning (漢学) scholar lived in Sakaida, Yame. His collection ranges from chinese old texts to travel writings. Especially, the Fushimi version of the Azuma Kagami is noteworthy.

Hiraiwa Yoshikuni collection

visibility Views: 793
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 264 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Japanese Books
  • Subject : Philosophy, Religion, Literature, Linguistics, History, Geography


Hiratsuka Masunori collection

visibility Views: 762
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 238 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Japanese Books, Western Books
  • Subject : Education, History, Geography

Old collection of books related to pedagogy and Chinese studies of Prof. Masunori Hiratsuka (平塚 益徳)(1907-1981) of the Faculty of Education.

Hirose Collection

visibility Views: 5,546
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 10,804 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Wahon, Chinese Books, Japanese Books
  • Subject : Philosophy, Religion, Literature, Linguistics, History, Geography

The book collection of Private Fukuoka Library deposited to the Central Library was purchased for Hirose Bunko soon after the war.

hosei collection

visibility Views: 6,576
Holding : Manuscript Library
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