Friedrich Carl von Savigny und die historische Rechtsschule Originale zeitgenössische VORLESUNGSMITSCHRIFTEN

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Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 13 sets 16 volumes
  • Category : Special Collection (Original)
  • Contents Type : Western Books
  • Subject : Law, Politics

Lecture notes on Friedrich Carl von Savigny (an German jurist, 1779-1861) and members of the German Historical School (Anton Friedrich Justus Thibaut, Arnold Heise, Karl Adolf von Vangerow, Emil Hermann, Heinrich Thöl, etc)

Lecture notes on Friedrich Carl von Savigny (an German jurist, 1779-1861) and members of the German Historical School (Anton Friedrich Justus Thibaut, Arnold Heise, Karl Adolf von Vangerow, Emil Hermann, Heinrich Thöl, etc)

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