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Miyake Hayari Collections
Views: 1,002
Holding : Medical Library
- Volumes : 86 books
- Category : Private Collection
- Contents Type : Japanese Books, Western Books
- Subject : Medical Science
Former owner's library mark: "Miyake Hayato Collection," "Miyake," "Mr. Miyake's Collection," "Dr. H.Miyake.
Former collection of Haya Miyake, the first professor of the Second Department of Surgery, Fukuoka Medical College, Kyoto Imperial University.
Former owner's library mark: "Miyake Hayato Collection," "Miyake," "Mr. Miyake's Collection," "Dr. H.Miyake.
Former collection of Haya Miyake, the first professor of the Second Department of Surgery, Fukuoka Medical College, Kyoto Imperial University.
Dr. Miyake was a pioneer in research on cholelithiasis, laparotomy, and brain surgery, and he became a close friend of Dr. Einstein when he examined and treated Einstein on board the ship on his return to Japan in 1922. He also invited Einstein to his home when he visited Japan. Miyake's tombstone is inscribed with words given to him by Einstein.
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