Kano Collection

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Holding : Central Library Medical Library
  • Volumes : 247 sets 726 volumes
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Wahon, Chinese Books
  • Subject : Philosophy, Religion, Science, Medical Science

A part of personal holdings of Dr. Kokichi Kano. Kyushu University purchased Korean books, directories and bibliographic catalogs from his holdings.

A part of personal holdings of Dr. Kokichi Kano. Kyushu University purchased Korean books, directories and bibliographic catalogs from his holdings.

Accession date:
 December 24, 1924 - Replaced from Kyushu University Administrative office to the Faculty of Law and Letters.
 August 15, 1927 - Replaced from the Faculty of Law and Letters to the library.
Collection mark: "狩野文庫" on the catalog cards.
Ownership mark: "狩野氏圖書記" etc.

Central Library) Rare Books Room and Semi-Rare Books Room, Medical Library) Rare Books Room

Central Libray) Please refer to the Shelf Guides of the Central Library
Medical Library) Please refer to the Shelf Guides for Rare Books of Medical Library (Japanese version).

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