Jono Collection

visibility Views: 702
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 107 books
  • Category : Private Collection
  • Contents Type : Japanese Books, Western Books
  • Subject : Literature, Linguistics

Former collection of Setsuko Jono (1914-2002), the first female professor at Kyushu University and a professor of the College of Liberal Arts, mainly related to French literature, donated to the Ropponmatsu Branch Library by the Jono family in 2002.

Former collection of Setsuko Jono (1914-2002), the first female professor at Kyushu University and a professor of the College of Liberal Arts, mainly related to French literature, donated to the Ropponmatsu Branch Library by the Jono family in 2002.

Open Stacks or ASRS or Rare Books Room

Please refer to the Shelf Guide of Central Library.

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