Request for Nakamura Tetsu Digital Archive's contents

This archive collects a wide range of writings and related materials by Doctor Nakamura Tetsu. If you have them, please provide them to us.

Corporations (publishers, press, organizations, etc.) Individuals
  • Contributions by Dr. Nakamura
  • Interviews
  • Featured articles
  • Photographs
  • Videos
  • Others
  • Records of activities
  • Memories of friendship
The magazine and newspaper articles are being digitized from the Peshawar-kai's scrapbooks. We will send you a document for permission to publish the articles.
If you have a paper or data, please provide it to us.
  • Reports
  • Photographs
  • Audio Recordings
  • Videos
  • Manuscripts
  • Letters, E-mails
  • Others
  • The materials you send us will be archived in electronic format (e.g., images) and made available on the Internet.
  • Please send us materials for which you hold the copyright or the right to publish.
  • If possible, please send electronic data or original copies of materials. If you would like to send us the originals, such as photographs, please let us know in advance.
  • It will take some time to publish your materials after you send them to us for data preparation and rights processing.
Digital Repository Section, Electronic Resources Management Division, Kyushu University Library
744 Motooka Nishi-ku Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan
Mail: / Tel: 092-802-2459
I. ご提供者情報 / Your details
III. 公開方法 / Requirement of publication


  • 1. 記入いただいた個人情報(氏名・連絡先・その他個人に関する情報)は、中村哲著述デジタルアーカイブ(以下「本アーカイブ」)に関する連絡にのみ使用いたします。
  • 2. 提供いただいた資料(以下「提供資料」)は、インターネット上で広く公開する「一般公開」、または研究・教育目的のみの閲覧に限定する「制限公開」のいずれかの方法で公開します。ご希望の公開方法を選択してください。
  • 3. 提供資料が刊行物である場合、本アーカイブ上に、収録情報(収録誌名、記事名、執筆者名、巻号、ページ、発行年月日等) を明記いたします。
  • 4. 提供者が希望する場合は、提供資料に関する権利情報を本アーカイブ上に掲載いたします。
  • 5. 資料の内容によっては、ご遺族や関係者に掲載の可否を確認する場合があります。

Handling of information and materials provided

  • 1. Your personal information (name, contact information, and other personal information) will be used only for the purpose of communicating with you regarding the Digital Archive of Nakamura Tetsu (hereafter referred to as the "Archive").
  • 2. The materials you provide (hereafter referred to as the "Provided Materials") will be made available to the public in one of two ways: "public access" to the Internet, or "restricted access" to on-site use for research and educational purposes only. Please select your extent of publication.
  • 3. If the Provided Materials are publications, we will give proper attribution on the Archive; journal name, article name, author name, volume number, page, date of publication, etc.
  • 4. If you wish, we will credit rights information about the Provided Materials on the Archive.
  • 5. Depending on the content of the Provided Materials, we may check with the bereaved family and others to see if it can be published.
Click "Submit" if you agree to the above handling.
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