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【New e-Resources】" JoVE Science Education"
To Faculty, Staff, and Students of Kyushu University
"JoVE Science Education" 3 Collections are now available.
This provides the educational video materials containing key research concepts and basic experimental techniques.
Covering a wide range of fields including medicine, chemistry, and engineering, the videos are of high quality and can be used directly as teaching materials.
Text to accompany the videos is also available, and most content has Japanese subtitles and text.
Science Education is a discipline-specific understanding series, each series contains multiple collections, each collection consisting of multiple videos.
Each video is approximately 8 minutes in length and includes an animated overview and demonstration of an experiment.
The following collections are available.
Basic Biology
・Biology II: Mouse, Zebrafish, and Chick
Advanced Biology
・Cell Biology
Click here and access to the database.
Electronic Resources Management Section, University Library
Mail: toemanage[a]jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp (Please replace [a] with @.)
TEL: 092-802-2489
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