New e-Resources: Œuvres Complètes de René Descartes. Electronic Edition.


To Faculty, Staff, and Students of Kyushu University

Œuvres Complètes de René Descartes. Electronic Edition. is now available.

This database contains the all of the texts (in accordance with Adam & Tannery edition, which is still in the position of critical edition) of René Descartes (1596-1650), who is one of the representative philosophers of the seventeenth century. It is the essential tool for studies of contemporary Cartesian philosophy, in particular, in respect of that it has the search function covering each of the works or the all of the texts.
You can use also Past Masters Commons Series, which is Open Titles. (The Works of Machiavelli, Montaigne, Montesquieu etc. are available.)


Click here and access to the database.


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