【Design Library】Science Planter Vol.26 Exhibition Gallery Talk(7/31)

Events Public


Have you seen the funky exhibition at the Visual & Audio Lounge in the Design Library?
After Corona, and as the first "Science Planter "* (26th) since the renovation of the Design Library, we will hold a talk event about this exhibition in the Visual & Audio Lounge.

This is a luxurious gallery talk by three artists.
The moderator, Associate Professor Kazuhiro Jo, will talk with Associate Professor Makino and Mr. Miyashita about their work in this exhibition.
Whether you have seen the exhibit or not, we think you will enjoy it, so please join us.
It will definitely be a great inspiration.

Keita Miyashita's exhibition "Threshold" is scheduled to run until Tuesday, August 1.




July 31, 2023 Mon.



場所 Design Library 1F Reading Hall

Asst. Prof. Kazuhiro Jo(Moderator)

Asst. Prof. Yutaka Makino

Technical Staff  Keita Miyashita

(Kyushu University Faculty of Design)



*Science Planter is a science café-style seminar with a casual atmosphere that has been held at the Design Library since 2017.The concept is to nurture the "buds" of new interests.
*There is no charge for participation. Reservations are not required and you are free to attend.
*Please refrain from eating. Please bring your own beverages in plastic bottles or water bottles with lids that close.


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