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Provider : EBSCO Publishing
Category: Search for Articles, Ejournals


CINAHL provides indexing for more than 3,000 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health.
The database contains more than 2.3 million records dating back to 1981. Offering complete coverage of English-language nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses’ Association, CINAHL covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines. In addition, this database offers access to health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, educational software, audiovisuals and book chapters. Searchable cited references for more than 1,290 journals are also included. Full-text material includes more than 70 journals plus legal cases, clinical innovations, critical paths, drug records, research instruments and clinical trials.

You can search with MEDLINE simultaneously on EBSCOhost.

  • Medicine, Life Sciences & Agriculture
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