Rare book collection on German Civil Procedure:Audiatur et altera pars

visibility Views: 444
Holding : Central Library
  • Volumes : 170
  • Category : Special Collection (Original)
  • Contents Type : Western Books
  • Subject : Law, Politics

ハノーファー高等控訴裁判長等を歴任したフォン・シュトラーレンハイム(von Stralenheim、1777~1847)旧蔵書を中心に、16世紀から19世紀にかけて刊行されたドイツ民事訴訟法に関する文献のコレクション

Collection of documents on German civil procedural law published from the 16th to the 19th century, mainly from the collection of von Stralenheim (1777-1847), who served as President of the Hanover High Court of Appeals.

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