How to deposit research outputs subjected to the Open Access Policy (Q-RADeRS)

The following instruction will explain how to deposit your research output, which are subjected to the Kyushu University Open Access Policy, to QIR, and make a waiver request of the Policy at Q-RADeRS.


  1. Login to Q-RADeRS
  2. Select an item
  3. Create a new record
  4. Upload fulltext files
  5. Data submission
  6. Finish

1. Login to Q-RADeRS

Visit Q-RADeRS (the url is below). Input your ID and password, and click "Login" at the top-left of the page.

Off-campus access is available here.

2. Select an item

If login is successful, you will see the list of items about which you can input data in Q-RADeRS. Click one of "Presentations at academic society meetings, etc.", "Original publications", "Books authored" and "Review papers, critiques, commentaries, book reviews, reports, etc." in "II. Research" at the middle of the page.

3. Create a new record

Here is a list of publications you have alreadly input data. If you are going to add a new research output, click one of "Create new record in Japanese", "Create new record in English" and "Create new record in other languages".

You will see an input form. The fields with "*" are required to input, and others are recommended to input precisely.

*Open Access Policy Waiver Request: If you would not like to make your fulltext files openly available through QIR, you have to make a waiver request of the open access policy. Select one reason from "Any version of my research output is prohibited to be made open by the copyright holder", "My research output includes privacy or personal information and is appropriate to be made open" and "Other (fill in reason below)". If you choose the last one, fill in the reason precisely in "Open Access Policy Waiver Request (Other)".

*Version: Select "Publisher" for pdf files published in academic journals; and "Author" for peer-reviewed manuscripts or preprints.

When finished, click "Create" at the bottom of the page and save the record.

4. Upload fulltext files

Here appers a list of publications again. Click "Show details" (magnifying glass) or "Edit" (pencil) for the record you created in Step 3.

Then click the "Upload" at the bottom of the page, and upload fulltext files.
* For multiple files, you need upload repeatedly or compress them to one zip file.

Remark: Even if you wouldn't like to disclose your research output, you need to input metadata and upload fulltext files. But finally only metadata will be disclosed and fulltext files be kept closed at QIR.

5. Data submission

After upload is done, return to the top page of Q-RADeRS. Click "Data submission". Make sure that everything is OK, and click "submit".

6. Finish

Now you have finished depositing to Q-RADeRS!

Your research output will be disclose at QIR (in the Kyushu University "Collection") after some works including copyright clearance at the library (a couple of days will be needed). If you make a waiver request, only metadata will be disclosed and fulltext files be kept closed.

Finally there will be a link from Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database to QIR.

Digital Repository Section, Electronic Resources Management Division, University Library
Tel: 092-802-2459

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